Marvel Database

Quote1 I'd better stop that giant spider before he gives my family a bad name. Quote2


Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • C.B. (First appearance)
  • The Kongo Spider (First appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Gopher (First appearance)
  • Frank the Cameraman (First appearance)



  • Giant Mechanical Spider


  • Justice Jet Copter


In the Kongo Jungle, two tribesmen are attacked by a giant spider. Spider-Woman manages to save the two, but she does not notice that her confrontation with the Spider was filmed by C. B., a director who plans to make a film in which Spider-Woman and Spider-Man are ultimately killed by the Kongo Spider.

As Jessica Drew, Spider-Woman soon returns to the Kongo Jungle along with Jeff Hunt and Billy Drew in order to investigate the Kongo Spider. Upon arriving however, they are chased after by the Kongo Spider and find themselves trapped in its web. Jessica laments that she cannot change to Spider-Woman with Jeff and Billy present, but as a result Spider-Woman may soon be killed by the Kongo Spider. At that moment, Spider-Man appears, having read about Spider-Woman's previous exploits in the Kongo Jungle in a newspaper and deciding to investigate himself. He saves Jessica and her friends, who then depart. He is then captured himself by C. B. and his crew, who use him to lure out Spider-Woman.

Spider-Woman finds Spider-Man tied to a raft, and the two escape. However, they are then both captured by C. B. and his crew. The two heroes are taken to the Kongo Spider to be sacrificed for the finale of C. B.s film. Before the Kongo Spider can finish them off, Spider-Woman uses her spider-telepathy to command the Kongo Spider to stand down. Spider-Man and Spider-Woman then say their goodbyes. Undeterred, C. B. resorts to his backup plan: Attacking Paris with a giant robot spider in order to lure out Spider-Woman.

Jessica, Jeff, and Billy fly to Paris based off of Jessica's Spider-Sense, and find the Robot Spider wreaking havoc. Jessica changes to Spider-Woman and attempts to stop C. B. and his Robot Spider once and for all. However, she is quickly captured by the robot spider instead. Jeff and Billy attempt to help her in their helicopter, but are also captured. A deranged C. B. plans to have the robot spider kill Spider-Woman for the grand finale of the film. However, Spider-Man then arrives. He saves Spider-Woman, who promptly frees the copter. Spider-Man then infiltrates the inside of the Robot Spider. He takes control of it in order to trap C. B. and his crew, and then shuts the spider down for good.

An amazed Spider-Woman compliments Spider-Man on his work. Spider-Man then asks Spider-Woman out on a date, but she declines and returns to Jeff and Billy.


  • The newspaper Billy and Spider-Man are seen reading is the Daily Bugle.

See Also

Links and References

