Marvel Database



Steve Rogers became Captain America in 1941, as a child his father died whilst looking for work during the depression and his mother supported them by taking in laundry and mending clothes. Rogers mother died when he was 18 and he went on to try and join in the war effort during World War II, he was deemed too physically weak for combat but was selected as a control subject for Project Rebirth. Rogers and other men were dosed with chemicals and hormones, with Rogers being the only able to control his emotions when the process began to emphasis personality flaws in the other men who were used to dominance and violence, leaving Rogers as the only viable test subject.

Rogers was exposed to Vita-Rays, although he was warned the results were unknown. Immediately after his exposure, Abraham Erskine, the only man who fully understood the Super-Soldier process, was murdered and Rogers accidentally destroyed the Vita-Ray Chamber.[2] The army had Rogers hide in plain sight as a private and he was used as propaganda at first, as they were afraid of losing their only super-soldier, but Rogers became ashamed of his lack of participation and began to enter into active war zones, although he still remained largely on the sidelines and served primarily to bolster the troops' morale at first. Rogers also went on to fight in the war alongside Bucky Barnes, a young man who Rogers thought of as a brother, who died on one of their missions.[3] A plane explosion in 1945 led to Rogers being frozen in ice for decades, later being revived in 1964.[4]

The Chosen[]

Decades later Rogers became ill, his powers began rapidly failing and returning as the effects of Project Rebirth began to wear off.[4] When it became obvious that he was going to die, he was placed in a heavily guarded hospital facility in Washington, D.C.. Rogers volunteered for an experiment that allowed him to reach out with his mind to search out terrorist training camps and use his artistic skills to sketch what he saw for experts to match to locations in the field, as well as to disrupt terrorists by projecting his image to them, repeated use of this power weakened him further[5] which led him to him using it to search for worthy successors as part of "Project Multitude".[4]

Rogers used this power to locate James Newman, a corporal in the US Marine Corps who was serving overseas in Afghanistan. Rogers appeared to Newman repeatedly as a projection in his mind, convincing him that he had the strength and bravery to overcome his fears and doubts, to protect his fellow soldiers.[6]

Rogers then told Newman the truth about his appearances and his fatal condition, as well as how he became Captain America, all while helping Newman rise above his fears and have hope as Newman worked to free himself and his men from a cave-in.[7]

Rogers told Newman that he had located as many people with brave and heroic characteristics as he could to continue the fight against evil after he was gone. While he was telling Newman this, the President of the United States came to visit him and was targeted by an assassin. Rogers used the last of his strength to save the president but died in the effort. Rogers' mind remained after his bodies death, staying in contact with Newman and informing him that he was inside him and "inside everyone, if they'll only listen." Part of Rogers' spirit stayed within Newman as he escaped the cave-in and helped him fight an Al-Qaeda ambush.[4]



Rogers also received the power of remote viewing and telepathy from further experiments, these powers were strong enough for Rogers to view areas at a great distance and project the image of himself into the minds of others, as well as causing them to believe they had seen him physically interacting with the world around him when the actions were in fact their own.[8]


Artistic skill




See Also

Links and References

