Marvel Database


The Symbol of Doom was not one man, but one of many agents of Imperial Japan during World War II. Organized near the end of 1943, they were all seemingly identical men who would appear in locations that were vital to American defense crying doom to the United States before blowing themselves up and their intended target. The various successful attacks put the American people in a state of panic as authorities were unable to explain how the seemingly same man was able to blow himself up and reappear elsewhere to do the same thing again.

When one of the agents blew up a rain bridge after stopping a train full of American soldiers heading for the west coast, the entire crew was killed except for Steve Rogers and James Barnes, who then began investigating the Symbol of Doom as Captain America and Bucky. They followed Japanese agents to the Symbols' secret hideout located in an abandoned copper mine. There they walked into a trap and were captured and subsequently taken prisoner. They then met the remaining Symbol of Doom agents who explained their plot and then took the two heroes aboard their plane as they air dropped their agents across the country.

Captain America and Bucky then broke free from their bonds and set off one of the Symbol's explosives before parachuting out of the plane. The resulting explosion killed the remaining operatives.[1]



Symbol of Doom (Earth-616) from Captain America Comics Vol 1 33 0002

Various Symbol of Doom agents preparing for a massive attack on American soil

Each agent who took on the guise of the "Symbol of Doom" wore a chest mounted explosive device.

See Also

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