MDB Changelog

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Version 8.0.0, released 16.09.2024

Breaking changes:

  • Changed the version numbering method for plugins. From now on, every release will include a new plugin version to ensure compatibility with the corresponding MDB Standard UI Kit version
  • Removed SCSS-based dark theme in favor of the CSS-based dark theme
  • eCommerce Gallery - added required data-mdb-image-wrapper to the HTML template
  • Datetimepicker
    • removed invalidLabel option
    • removed appendValidationInfo option
  • Table Editor - removed dark option and the variables used for styling it
  • Datatable - removed dark option and the variables used for styling it
  • Timepicker - removed invalidLabel option

New Features:

  • Timepicker
    • added open method
    • added close method
    • added open.mdb.timepicker event
    • added close.mdb.timepicker event
  • Calendar - added dateFormat option
  • Popconfirm - added cancelClass option
  • Progress - added circular progress feature

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Timepicker
    • fixed keyboard handling bug for inner clock after a mouse click
    • fixed issue where showing inline with modal blocks the page
  • Calendar - fixed dateFormat in datepicker
  • Vector Maps - updated touch event handling to utilize the touch component
  • Alert - fixed autohide not to set up for hidden alerts
  • Datepicker - fixed issue with readonly breaking the input toggler
  • Datetimepicker - fixed scroll blinking after cancel button click in timepicker
  • Lightbox - fixed initialization via JavaScript
  • Perfect Scrollbar - fixed touch behavior
  • Select - fixed for focused invalid select

Design Updates:

  • Pills - added negative right margin for justified content alignment

Version 7.3.2, released 17.06.2024

See legacy docs for this version

Fixed & improved:

  • Autocomplete - fixed behavior for Shift + End and Shift + Home key combinations
  • Select - fixed placeholder in single select
  • Fixed manual initialization of components

Version 7.3.1, released 10.06.2024

Fixed & improved:

  • File upload
    • fixed preview not displaying for extensions: webp, bmp, gif
    • fixed option acceptedExtensions bug for .zip extension
  • Input fields
    • added CSS variables to allow easier outline customization
    • fixed error that was triggered on focus after dispose
    • fixed the placeholder display for input fields of type: time, datetime-local, month, week
  • Calendar - fixed display issue with long events
  • Drag and drop - fixed animation for blockXAxis
  • Multi item carousel - fixed timeout for the first slide display in upward animation
  • Treeview - fixed checkbox click toggling collapse
  • Vector maps - fixed zoom buttons shadow
  • Accordion - fixed downward facing arrows display in light theme
  • Select - fixed select outline bug after validation
  • Stepper - fixed option stepperOptional
  • Fixed manual initialization breaking auto-initialization for some components

Version 7.3.0, released 27.05.2024


  • Updated Bootstrap to 5.3.3 version

New features:

  • Datetimepicker - added information about the current value to valueChanged.mdb.datetimepicker event

Fixed & improved:

  • Calendar
    • fixed error occurring on view change
    • fixed week view header background color
  • Organization chart
    • fixed card background color
    • fixed vertical line color in dark theme
  • Charts
    • fixed bug after update
    • fixed styles not updating when switching from dark to light theme
  • Datatable
    • fixed All as entries option value
    • fixed active in clickable rows not applying styles
  • Datetimepicker
    • fixed passing options to pickers
    • fixed picker styling on small screens
  • Select
    • fixed hiding groups with filtered out options
    • fixed not changing active class with focused element in multiple select
  • Timepicker
    • fixed styling in dark mode for inline picker
    • fixed timepicker dispose breaks dropdowns present on the page
  • Drag and drop - fixed z-index in nested elements
  • File upload - fixed console error after adding file
  • Multi item carousel - fixed first element animation
  • Mention - fixed illegal invocation bug after click on no results
  • Onboarding - fixed scrolling when no scrollbars are present
  • Table editor - fixed styles for table editor hover and striped not applying
  • Autocomplete - fixed error while clicking no result
  • Input fields - fixed background after autocomplete
  • Sidenav - fixed link styles not using variables

Version 7.2.0, released 11.03.2024

New features:

  • Datepicker
    • added viewChanged.mdb.datepicker event
    • changed days aria-label to be human readable
  • Datatable - allow setting table ID
  • Select - added event
  • Timepicker - added clear.mdb.timepicker event

Fixed & improved:

  • Transfer
    • fixed search input init and style
    • fixed triggering search.mdb.transfer event
    • fixed checkbox in transfer header
  • Popconfirm
    • fixed triggering cancel.mdb.popconfirm event
    • fixed dispose method
  • Chips Input
    • fixed bug with input init
    • fixed enter keydown triggering form submission
  • Datatable
    • fixed sort reset pagination
    • improved performance while cell formatting many columns
    • fixed borders bug with fixed option
  • Datepicker
    • fixed datepicker cell width
    • added aria-disabled to disabled dates, month and years
  • DateTimepicker
    • added functionality to save the selected date when the timepicker toggle button is clicked
    • fixed navigation to initial time and date on open
  • Select
    • added update of aria-expanded on open and close
    • fixed clear button action with hidden option
  • Sidenav
    • improved marking of active item
    • fixed transform with RTL when option hidden is set to false
  • Animated navbar - fixed auto init
  • Calendar - fixed view change select
  • Input Mask - fixed bug after backspace keydown
  • Table editor - fixed rows per page select
  • Treeview - fixed auto select of parent checkbox
  • Treetable - fixed animation on open
  • Carousel - fixed dark variant
  • Modal - fixed dispose method
  • Autocomplete - added update of aria-expanded on open and close
  • Multi Range Slider - fixed start.mdb.multiRangeSlider event
  • Timepicker - fixed RTL styling - clock and button position
  • Fixed $form-check-input-hover-before-box-shadow SCSS variable

Version 7.1.0, released 04.12.2023

Fixed & improved:

  • Select
    • fixed an issue with opening the select using arrow keys
    • fixed valueChanged event triggering after call setValue method
    • fixed clear button disabled when disable attribute is set
  • Datatable
    • Added support for setting entriesOptions using the data attribute
    • fixed Datatable styles for option `striped`
    • fixed Datatable styles for option `hover`
  • Popconfirm - fixed focus for modal mode
  • Multirange - fixed undefined selector issue
  • Stepper - fixed disabled text color
  • Timepicker - fixed time change after long click on arrow in inline mode
  • Fixed border color

Version 7.0.0, released 20.11.2023

Breaking changes:

  • Changed HTML init for all components and plugins to unified data attributes
  • Unified event and method names, added new events, removed some methods
  • Changed names of Javascript files
  • We moved from preparing files with compiled modules for every component to using ES modules.
  • Timepicker
    • Removed appendValidationInfo and enableValidation options
    • Renamed headID option to headId
    • Renamed bodyID option to bodyId
    • Renamed footerID option to footerId
    • Renamed modalID option to modalId
    • Renamed pickerID option to pickerId

To make transition to MDB v7 easier we prepared a list of changes needed in existing projects, which you can find in Migration guide

Design updates:

Introduced a new theming system that allows setting the theme for the entire page, its parts, or selected elements using data attributes

Read Colors modes page to learn more about new theming

Fixed & improved:

  • Select
    • fixed dispose to restore custom content
    • fixed infinite error after image loading error
  • WYSIWYG - fixed padding in the dropdown when WYSIWYG is used in the form
  • Calendar - fixed validation issues in the add event modal
  • Treeview - added support for custom ID for treeview items
  • Table editor - fixed pagination to be responsive
  • Datepicker
    • Removed option switchToMonthViewLabel
    • Changed default values for switchToMultiYearViewLabel and switchToDayViewLabel options
  • Lightbox - removed option fontAwesome
  • Charts
    • Removed option dataLabelsPlugin
    • Added register method allowing controllers registration
  • enhance the dispose method for all components


Changed bundler used for compilation to Vite

Version 6.4.2, released 25.09.2023

See legacy docs for this version


  • Buttons - fixed styles for floating buttons with a tag
  • Lazy loading
    • fixed options types
    • fixed infinite error after image loading error
    • fixed animations
  • Select - fixed cross-site scripting (XSS) issue
  • Sidenav
    • fixed icons styles
    • fixed issue with sidenav right opening when page scroll is present
    • fixed open issue for Sidenav RTL
    • fixed issue with sidenav opening when using RTL
  • Timepicker - fixed active class toggling for am/pm toggler
  • fixed --mdb-link-decoration CSS variable

Version 6.4.1, released 31.07.2023

Fixed & improved:

  • Autocomplete - fixed e.preventDefault() issue with Popper.js open method
  • Autocomplete - fixed label error on outside click
  • Collapse - fixed e.preventDefautl() on Mdb events
  • Cookies management - deleted empty CSS and SCSS files
  • Datatable - fixed thead border visibility in the dark theme
  • Datepicker - fixed arrows position in RTL
  • Input mask - improved event binding cleanup within the dispose method
  • Lightbox - fixed z-index css variable
  • Loding managment - fixed dispose method to remove the backdrop properly
  • Modal - fixed e.preventDefault() on Mdb events
  • Popconfirm - improved event binding cleanup within the dispose method
  • Popover - fixed e.preventDefault() on Mdb events
  • Storage management - deleted empty CSS and SCSS files
  • Tabs - fixed e.preventDefault() on Mdb events
  • Toast - fixed initialization and option passing via jQuery
  • Toast - fixed e.preventDefault() on Mdb events
  • Tooltip - fixed e.preventDefault() on Mdb events
  • fixed $purple SCSS variable

Version 6.4.0, released 12.06.2023

New features:

  • Datepicker - Added the headerTemplate and headerTemplateModifier options to allow customization of the header
  • Select - Added the filterFn option to enable customization of the filtering function
  • Stepper - Added the resizeStepper method to allow resetting the height and view of the stepper
  • The generated sub-element IDs will be based on the element's ID for Autocomplete, DateTimepicker, Datepicker, Select, Timepicker, Popconfirm components; e.g. setting my-id as select ID will result in select-wrapper-my-id as select wrapper ID
  • WYSIWYG editor - Added wysiwygTextareaName option that allows setting a custom name for wysywig

Fixed & improved:

  • Datatables
    • Fixed hover styles for fixed columns
    • Fixed update method not updating sortField and sortOrder options
  • Multi Range Slider
    • Fixed thumb position for minimum range of slider
    • Fixed thumbs positions when startValues are set
    • Fixed typo in the variable name
  • Sidenav
    • Remove duplicated default from SCSS variable $sidenav-link-font-size
    • Fixed the issue of unnecessary padding being added to content when using the update method
    • Fixed bug with using data-mdb-position="absolute" with .position-relative class
    • Fixed update method when passing a new color
  • Table editor
    • Fixed pagination not updating after new row is added
    • Fixed typo in the .form-notch-middle selector in SCSS file
    • Updated focusTrap.js to skip disabled elements
  • Timepicker
    • Fixed issue with flickering minutes tips
    • Fixed setting an incorrect time based on the input value for 12:00 PM
    • Fixed small screen ripple animation and styling issues for landscape orientation
    • Fixed the button press behavior to consider the duration of the press
  • Tree view
    • Fixed events propagation
    • Fixed the filter method
    • Changed margin-bottom to zero for the last li
  • WYSIWYG editor
    • Fixed wysiwyg doesn't submit value
    • Fixed Insert link and Insert image buttons not opening dropdown menu on small screens
    • Added preventive values to .wysiwyg-content class
  • Optimization of components code - We separated the common logic of some components that handle events
  • Animations - Added option to hide elements before animation start using .invisible class
  • Autocomplete - Fixed dropdown issue with open method
  • Buttons - Adjusted SCSS to use variables for maped styles
  • Datepicker - Fixed arrows direction in RTL
  • Dropdowns - Fixed alignment when .dropdown-menu-end class is used
  • eCommerce gallery - Fixed issue with thumbnails with the same url
  • Infinite scroll - Fixed window scroll condition that resulted in a bug on mobile
  • Lazy loading - Fixed error loop and add error message
  • Lightbox - Fixed dispose method that caused sidenav toggler to stop working after disposing of Lightbox or eCommerce gallery instace
  • Modal - Fixed non-invasive modal issues after window resize
  • Rating - Fixed no tooltips after reinitialization
  • Scroll Status - Fixed multiple modal bug
  • Select - Fixed issue with label position after reinitializing the component
  • Touch - Added event data to touch events

Version 6.3.1, released 22.05.2023

Fixed & improved:

  • Chips - Fixed triggering of the add.mdb.chips event after adding a chip
  • Datatables - Fixed scrolling behavior when searching in a table with set maxHeight
  • Rating - Fixed the resetting of the default value of the rating on hover
  • Touch - Fixed the bug in the handleTouchMove method
  • Select - Fixed select outline and label styles

Version 6.3.0, released 08.05.2023

Fixed & improved:

  • Select
    • Fixed selected value display when more than one option has no value
    • Fixed keyboard accessibility. Now alt + ArrowDown can be used to open select dropdown
    • Fixed select .form-white border color on focus
    • Fixed the autocomplete="off" attribute to be copied to the input field"
    • Added and events
  • Color picker
    • Fixed slider color update
    • Fixed canvas color update when default value is set
    • Fixed slider styles for Firefox
    • From now onChange.mdb.colorPicker event returns selected color
  • Calendar
    • Fixed sunday events display in list view
    • Fixed select view input to change value after calling changeView() method
    • Added datepickerOptions and timepickerOptions properties to enable setting custom Datepicker and Timepicker options
  • Charts
    • Fixed set options using jQuery init
    • Fixed options update using update() method
    • Changed how dependencies are imported. Thanks to this, using MDB in bundlers will not require additional plugins or project configuration
  • Timepicker - Fixed font size for hours and minutes on smaller screans
  • Datepicker - Fixed buttons styles on focus
  • Autocomplete - Fixed keyboard action for home and end keys
  • Dropdowns - Fixed responsive aligned for dropdown menu display
  • Modal - Fixed non-invasive bottom modal display
  • Sidenav - Fixed .sidenav-link to use css variables for padding left
  • Clipboard - Fixed copying multiple text lines

Version 6.2.0, released 27.02.2023

New integrations:

In this realease, we have added instructions on how to add our package in backend frameworks. We chose some of the most popular frameworks and described the whole process step by step.

Fixed & improved:

  • Range
    • Code refactor
    • Fixed oninput event
  • Select
    • Fixed select arrow display
  • Datepicker
    • Added confirmDateOnSelect option
    • Added removeOkBtn option
    • Added removeCancelBtn option
    • Added removeClearBtn option
  • Collapse
    • Added mdb events

Version 6.1.0, released 02.01.2023


  • Updated Bootstrap to 5.2.3 version

Fixed & improved:

  • Timepicker
    • Fixed events unbind so they don't unbind events e.g. for Sidenav toggler.
    • Fixed inline keyboard accessibility.
  • Scrollspy
    • Fixed target option passed via JS.
    • Fixed Scrollspy collapsible.
  • Fixed Datetimepicker validation that caused an error when entering a date in the dd mmm yyyy format.
  • Fixed Select no result message spacing.
  • Fixed Sortable for touch screens.
  • Fixed Organization chart lines display for collapsed elements.
  • Fixed Treetable styles that affect the Organization chart plugin

Version 6.0.1, released 21.11.2022

  • Fixed HSL colors deprecated syntax warning
  • Fixed Select and form control border and shadow colors
  • Fixed width changing on Ripple efect for .btn-block
  • Fixed submit on click other than left mouse button for input type='button' with Ripple efect

Version 6.0.0, released 31.10.2022


  • Updated Bootstrap to 5.2.2 version

Breaking changes:

We changed Animations init via jQuery. In MDB 5.0.0 we fixed init, but didn't take into account that it would break jQ's animation. Therefore we change $('#example').animate(); to $('#example').animation(); for our animation component.

We also decided that maintaining two similar options for the Timepicker does not make sense. minHour and maxHour options duplicate the functionality of the minTime and maxTime options, which also offer more possibilities. Therefore, we are removing minHour and maxHour options.

Fixed & improved:

  • Convert MDB components to CSS variables
  • Fixed Ripple efect for input type='button'
  • Fixed DateTimePicker open if Datepicker hasn't selected date
  • Timepicker
    • Fixed disablePast is not defined error
    • Fixed minTime and maxTime validating
    • Disabled adding active class for disabled hours-tips in 24h format mode
    • fixed adding disabled class for minutes-tips on toggling AM/PM in minutes view

Version 5.0.0, released 29.08.2022

See legacy docs for this version

MDB 5.0.0 brings many improvements, mostly focused on updating our design system.

Design updates:

First of all - our basic color palette has been updated. We toned down our colors to be less flashy and more elegant and subtle. This affects virtually all of our components, so be aware of this before upgrading your project to MDB 5.0.0.

Read colors docs to learn more about new palette.

Breaking changes:

  • Our base buttons have a slightly colorful shadow now. For this reason buttons with custom colors (like social buttons) cannot use base modifier classes like .btn-primary, .btn-danger, etc (because they will cast a shadow of a color that may be not consistent with the background color of the buttons). In this case we suggest to remove the modifier class and and add .text-white class to fix the problem with the text color.
  • We implemented a hierarchy in the buttons, so the secondary button changes its color and loses its shadow. We also added a new, tertiary button.
  • Button groups that uses secondary buttons now require .shadow-0 class to fix the problem with a shadow by default added to the .btn-group class.
  • We replaced classes bg-grayish, .text-grayish, and .link-grayish with classes .bg-secondary, .text-secondary and .link-secondary

Fixed & improved:


We have also published a new homepage and a few design improvements in our docs. Let us know how do you like it now!

In addition to the design improvements, MDB 5.0.0 introduces several other significant changes.

Breaking changes:

After checking how our events work in the Table editor plugin, we came to the conclusion that this requires Breaking changes. So far, using e.preventDefault() in our events was not supported.

We changed the behavior of events to trigger them before performing a given action and allow to use e.preventDefault() - for example, to prevent the addition of a row that contains data that we do not want.

We also decided that maintaining two similar events does not make sense. Therefore, we are removing the updateEntry event. From now on, event edit returns the row that has been edited, removed or added.

  • Table editor
    • updateEntry.mdb.tableEditor event removed
    • update.mdb.tableEditor event emitted after editing, addition or deletion row
    • add.mdb.tableEditor event emitted before adding row
    • edit.mdb.tableEditor event emitted before editing row
    • delete.mdb.tableEditor event emitted before deletion row

Fixed & improved:

Version 4.4.0, released 01.08.2022

Fixed & improved:

  • Datatables
    • Added setActivePage method for pages navigation
    • Fixed select all state on rows toggling
  • Vector maps
    • Fixed update and dispose methods for dynamic attribute updates
  • Ripple
    • Fixed on inputs
  • File upload
    • Fixed disabled remove button option
  • Select
    • Hide caret in select with validation
    • Fixed select-all option disabling when filtering is enabled
    • Added new example with first option hidden and selected
    • Fixed changing focus on tab click
  • Treetable
    • Fixed arrows active states on collapsing
  • Dropdowns
    • Fixed animation when input is inside
  • DateTimepicker
    • Added disablePast and disableFuture options
    • Fixed inline mode
    • Fixed navbar content displacement on toggling
  • Datepicker
    • Fixed navbar content displacement on toggling
    • Added examples for disablePast and disableFuture options
    • Fixed template when years view is set as default
  • Timepicker
    • Fixed navbar content displacement on toggling
    • API docs update
    • Fixed validation error while toggling between AM and PM
    • Fixed bug on iPads caused by not detecting them as mobile devices
  • Autocomplete
    • Fixed making subsequent selections

Design updates:

  • Added new color classes .bg-secondary, .text-secondary, .link-secondary, .btn-secondary
  • Updated icon colors of basic light navbar and footer with secondary color
  • Added new horizontal dividers classes .hr and .hr-blurry
  • Updated styles of vertical divider class .vr and add new class .vr-blurry
  • Added new sidenav with menu categories and class .sidenav-sm
  • Added new object-fit and object-position utilities

Version 4.3.0, released 11.07.2022

Fixed & improved:

  • Lightbox
    • Added container option
    • Fixed caption attribute
    • Fixed zoom pinch behavior
  • Select
    • Fixed deleting labels on dispose() issue
    • Prevent submit on enter in dropdown
  • Autocomplete
    • Added container option
    • Prevent submit on enter in dropdown
  • Datepicker
    • Added disablePast and disableFuture options
    • Added container option
  • Timepicker
    • Added update() method
    • Added container option
    • Added disablePast and disableFuture options
    • Fixed minTime minutes validation
  • DateTimepicker
    • Fixed remove elements on dispose()
    • Fixed init after dispose()
    • Added container option
  • Table editor
    • Make sort case insensitive
    • Fixed sort when pagination is off
  • Disable arrows when no results after search in Datatable
  • Fixed Ripple effect in Firefox
  • Fixed update() method in Charts
  • Fixed verticalAlignment center add top in Parallax
  • Change placeholder source site in Dummy
  • Fixed Non-invasive modal position on resize
  • Onboarding z-index changed to 1075
  • Added removeItem method in Sortable
  • Added possibility to set customId for source and target data in Transfer

Version 4.2.0, released 13.06.2022

Fixed & improved:

  • Datatable
    • Fixed pagination after search
    • Fixed display of empty cells
    • Fixed sort when pagination is off
    • Make sort case insensitive
    • Exclude html tags from search
    • Add forceSort option
  • Select
    • Fixed label display in multiselect
    • Fixed toggle Select all in multiselect after search
    • Fixed tabIndex for Select input
  • Datepicker
    • Fixed data-mdb-min and data-mdb-max
    • Fixed selected date update after press the enter key
    • Fixed selected date reset on clear
    • Added update() method
  • DateTimepicker
    • Fixed component init after dispose
    • Added update() method
  • Prevent scroll Sidenav container after press the spacebar key
  • Fixed long label for checkbox and radio
  • Fixed short events display in Calendar
  • Fixed init Countdown after dispose
  • Fixed setCountdownDate in Countdown when the counting is over
  • Prevent selection of disabled elements in Tree view
  • Added mime_type translation for file formats in File upload

Design updates:

  • Added new values for shadows standard and shadows strong
  • Changed shadows for components such as card, popover, toast, modal, image hoverable, dropdown menu, popconfirm
  • Changed styling of border for card, modal header and footer
  • Changed table font weight and text color
  • Added .table-group-divider and .table-divider-color classes to emphasize the separation of thead from tbody
  • Added new divider horizontal, vertical and blurry
  • Changed checkbox and radio border color
  • Changed switch background color
  • Changed checkbox border radius size
  • Changed list group pagination and dropdown text color as it is in the body
  • Changed toast color palette
  • Changed datatables striped and hover background color as it is in the usual table
  • Changed select states background colors
  • Changed sidenav icons colors and width of the slim version
  • Changed chips font weight, text color, border width and added new closure icons

Version 4.1.0, released 23.05.2022

Fixed & improved:

  • Fixed Stepper mobile trigger submit on navigation button click issue
  • Fixed Stepper linear jumping to another validated step issue
  • Fixed Chips trigger delete event issue
  • Fixed typo in aria-haspoup in Autocomplete
  • Fixed Autocomplete select "No results found" issue
  • Fixed Datatable pagination when there no rows issue
  • Fixed Toasts delay option
  • Add type="button" to insert horizontal line button in WYSIWYG editor plugin
  • Code refactor to simplify code in Transfer plugin

New features:

  • Add option to disable click on Stepper header
  • Add options to translate navigation buttons and header text in Stepper mobile
  • Add all option to pagination in Datatable
  • Add options to translate of in pagination section in Datatable

Version 4.0.0, released 19.04.2022


  • Updated Chart.js from 2.9.3 to 3.7.1 version. Check the updated docs. Main changes:
    • xAxes and yAxes renamed to x and y and changed from arrays to objects
    • gridLines renamed to grid
    • fontColor renamed to color
    • fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle and fontLineHeight renamed sequentially to, font.size,, font.lineHeight
    • legend, title and tooltip namespaces moved from options to options.plugins
    • removed moment.js from dependencies
    • refactored animations

New Design Blocks:

Fixed & improved:

  • Updated Calendar:
    • moved from moment to lightweight dayjs modern alternative
    • redesigned toolbar, events, views and modals
    • fixed events triggering
    • replaced view toggle buttons by a select
    • created an Add Event button
    • added Readonly events
    • added Modules disabling
    • added Blur option
    • added Custom attributes integration
    • improved long events styling
    • improved responsiveness
    • improved events output data parsing
  • Improved Input border animation
  • Added List Group new variant with .list-group-light class
  • Added Select on Tab press dropdown closing feature
  • Added autoSelect option for Select and Autocomplete components
  • Fixed Select's first hidden and selected option validation issues
  • Integrated Non-invasive modal with other modals while toggling
  • Changed table background color on hover state
  • Fixed bg-body color in dark theme


  • MDB PRO bundle size decreased by 30% thanks to the Chart.js migration


  • deprecated button close classes. Old: .close. New: .btn-close, .btn-close-white
  • deprecated embed classes. Old: .embed. New: .ratio
  • deprecated flags classes. Check Flags docs.
  • deprecated carousel indicators classes. Check Carousel docs.
  • deprecated utils

Version 3.11.0, released 14.03.2022


Fixed & improved:

  • Integrated system-wide animations with our components
  • Improved Datepicker current, active and selected elements marking
  • Fixed Select validation issues
  • Fixed non-invasive Modal focus trap issue
  • Improved Checkbox and Radio long labels wrapping
  • Add missing --mdb-bg-opacity variable
  • Speed up sidenav toggle animation

Version 3.10.2, released 17.01.2022


  • Fixed triggering a close event after Select close
  • Fixed Scrollspy re-initialization after dispose


  • MDB5 docs migration from Wordpress to Hugo

Version 3.10.1, released 22.11.2021


Version 3.10.0, released 15.11.2021


  • Updated Bootstrap to 5.1.3 version


  • Fixed overflowing text on icon in Datepicker
  • Fixed dart SCSS variables divide bug
  • Fixed Sidenav slim animation
  • Fixed tooltips value in Multi Range Slider
  • Fixed navigation when max date is set in Datepicker
  • Fixed styles for white Select
  • Fixed styles for native select
  • Fixed empty filelist after uploading multiple files in File upload

New features:

Version 3.9.0, released 12.07.2021


  • Fixed Select init without options
  • Fixed Chips active element transition
  • Fixed date selection view navigation when min/max date is set in Datepicker

New features:

Version 3.8.1, released 28.06.2021


  • Fixed m/d/yyyy format in Datepicker
  • Fixed date selection when min date is set in Datepicker
  • Fixed issue with Clipboard when it is inside a modal
  • Fixed position option in Toast
  • Fixed secondary text = 0 issue in Select
  • Fixed Select value after use clear button
  • Fixed open Select using external element
  • Fixed time selection on mobile devices in Timepicker - no more errors in console.
  • Fixed VectorMap is not a constructor bug in Vector maps
  • Fixed Treeview is not a constructor bug in Tree view

Version 3.8.0, released 14.06.2021

Fixed & improved:

  • Fixed startDate options types in Datepicker
  • Fixed setValue methods - the code will no longer stop if the value does not exist Select
  • Select now can be used in the Input Groups Select
  • Fixed bug when tab is a <button>, not <a> in Tabs
  • Fixed page content moving after opening Timepicker
  • Fixed converting hours from 24h to 12h option in Timepicker
  • Fixed closing DateTimepicker on outside click
  • Fixed image resize onClick bug when Ripple is added to the image

Version 3.7.1, released 31.05.2021


Version 3.7.0, released 31.05.2021


  • Updated Bootstrap to 5.0.1 version

Fixed & improved:

New features:

  • Optimization - the possibility of installing individual pro modules has been added to reduce the weight of js and css files imported in the project

Version 3.6.0, released 17.05.2021


Fixed & improved:

  • Dropdown menus now have option become clickable
  • Added support for .dropdown-items wrapped in <li>s
  • Add color-scheme mixin
  • Make accordion icon rotation more natural
  • Decouple backdrop from modal
  • Decouple modal's scrollbar functionality
  • Simplify modal config
  • Simplify scrollspy config
  • Make EventHandler better handle mouseenter/mouseleave events
  • Refactor dropdown hide functionality
  • Fix dropdown escape propagation
  • Fix wrong carousel transformation, direction to order
  • Scrollbar: respect the initial body overflow value
  • Fix input fieldsform-notch multiplication
  • Fix datatable with option
  • Fix sidenav and navbar z-index

Version 3.5.1, released 04.05.2021


  • Fixed position of stackable elements when reopened
  • Fixed autocomplete width after resize
  • Fixed duplicating input notch
  • Fixed table transition and background color on hover
  • Fixed datatable sort when pagination is off
  • Fixed Datepicker and Timepicker z-index
  • Fixed carousel interval option
  • Fixed width of pills when they're filled or justified
  • Fixed accordion styles - removed unnecessary colors, shadows, added needed borders
  • Fixed local img display in Ecommerce gallery

Version 3.5.0, released 19.04.2021


  • Updated Bootstrap 5 to Beta 3 version


  • Removed flip option from dropdowns
  • Lightbox - fixed original size images loading in fullscreen
  • Select - updated z-index attribute
  • Accordion - arrow animation updated
  • Added new .list-group-numberedt groups that uses pseudo-elements for numbering list group items
  • Added tabs with buttons variation to the tabs component
  • Added pills with buttons variation to the pills component
  • Added new Reboot documentation page
  • Improved carousel swipe behaviors for RTL
  • Disabled default select now render consistently in Chrome
  • Button elements now grow in .nav-fill and .nav-justified


  • Fixed text-overflow: ellipsis for Input label
  • Fixed focus toggle button after close Timepicker
  • Fixed focus toggle button after close Datepicker
  • Fixed date picking after clicking on empty area in Datepicker
  • Fixed disappearing list items when copying an item in Transfer plugin
  • Fixed triggering onChange event in Color picker plugin
  • Fixed default color set in HEX format causes an error in Color picker
  • Fixed triggering events in Transfer plugin
  • Fixed container width update after resize in Autocomplete
  • Fixed Select does not close when another Select is opened
  • Fixed Sidenav toggle button stop working if a lightbox is added on the page
  • Fixed Sidenav toggle button stop working after selecting option in Select
  • Fixed clicking cancel should cancel date and time selection in DateTimepicker
  • Fixed Datatable with selectable and fixedHeader options
  • Fixed Multiselect label position after deselecting all options
  • Fixed Timepicker behavior on the page without scroll
  • Fixed event.preventDefault() does not stop code execution in Dropdown
  • Fixed height of button within an input group
  • fixed tooltips not appearing after rapid focus in and out
  • fixed dropdown events not bubbling and forms inside dropdowns not propagating
  • Fixed min and max date in Datepicker

Version 3.4.0, released 22.03.2021

New features:

  • New Dark skin for free users

New plugin:


  • Fixed Radio buttons styles
  • Fixed Checkbox styles
  • Fixed Popconfirm file name

Version 3.3.0, released 22.02.2021


  • Update Bootstrap 5 to Beta 2 version
  • Update fontAwesome to 5.15.2



  • Added a new .navbar-nav-scroll class to enable vertical scrolling when a collapsed navbar is opened.
  • Re-added flex-grow to the .navbar-collapse to restore the flexbox behaviors from v4 and prevent some content from being inadvertently squished.


  • Updated docs examples to use <button>s wherever possible instead of <a> elements.
  • CSS selectors changed for using <button>s as indicators (from .carousel-indicators li to .carousel-indicators [data-bs-target]).

New plugin:

New component:


  • Fixed Input radio inline
  • Fixed validation in progress
  • Fixed for dark theme
  • Fixed alert color property update
  • Fixed removing listeners on dispose in animation


  • .carousel-indicators li. New: .carousel-indicators [data-mdb-target]

Version 3.2.0, released 25.01.2021

New Plugin:

  • Scroll status

New features:

  • Added helper text, counter and icons in Inputs
  • New dark skin


  • Popconfirm - Fixed issue with reopening popconfirm after closing with ok button
  • Search - Fixed styles
  • Fixes for dark theme

Version 3.1.0, released 11.01.2021

Fixed & improved:

  • Accordion - Fixed arrows direction
  • File input - Styles update to Material styles
  • Chips - Fixed padding & events & focus bug
  • Input - Fixed overlapping label when input get dynamic value

Version 3.0.0, released 16.12.2020

Home page

MDB5 Standard has become the default version of our site instead of MDB4 jQuery


  • Update Bootstrap 5 to Beta 1 version

Breaking changes:

Data attributes refactor:

All JavaScript components are now namespaced to help distinguish MDB functionality from third parties and your own code. For example, we use data-mdb-toggle instead of data-toggle.

RTL integration:

Part of our approach to adding RTL to MDB was to add it in a way that felt future-friendly to ourselves and the web at large. As such, we’ve embraced the spirit of CSS logical properties and have renamed several classes and variables. It’s a risky change because of the size and impact of the change, but we hope you’ll appreciate it overall!

RTL migration checklist:


  • Renamed .dropleft and .dropright to .dropstart and dropend.
  • Renamed .dropdown-menu-*-left and .dropdown-menu-*-right to .dropdown-menu-*-start and .dropdown-menu-*-end.
  • Renamed .bs-popover-left and .bs-popover-right to .bs-popover-start and .bs-popover-end.
  • Renamed .bs-tooltip-left and .bs-tooltip-right to .bs-tooltip-start and .bs-tooltip-end.
  • Renamed .carousel-item-left and .carousel-item-right to .carousel-item-start and .carousel-item-end.


  • Renamed .left-* and .right-* to .start-* and .end-*.
  • Renamed .float-left and .float-right to .float-start and .float-end.
  • Renamed .border-left and .border-right to .border-start and .border-end.
  • Renamed .rounded-left and .rounded-right to .rounded-start and .rounded-end.
  • Renamed .ml-* and .mr-* to .ms-* and .me-*.
  • Renamed .pl-* and .pr-* to .ps-* and .pe-*.
  • Renamed .text-left and .text-right to .text-start and .text-end.


  • Renamed border-left-radius() and border-right-radius() to border-start-radius() and border-end-radius() — as well as their corner relative variants (eg. .border-bottom-left-radius became .border-bottom-start-radius).
  • Renamed caret-left() and caret-right() to caret-start() and caret-end() — subsequently, the caret() mixin now takes start and end as arguments instead of left and right.


  • New $breadcrumb-divider-flipped if a different breadcrumb separator is needed in RTL.
  • Renamed $navbar-brand-margin-right to $navbar-brand-margin-end.
  • Renamed $pagination-margin-left to $pagination-margin-start.
  • Renamed $form-check-padding-left to $form-check-padding-start.
  • Renamed $form-switch-padding-left to $form-switch-padding-start.
  • Renamed $form-check-inline-margin-right to $form-check-inline-margin-end.
  • Renamed $form-select-feedback-icon-padding-right to $form-select-feedback-icon-padding-end.

Other changes:

  • Migrated from node-sass to dart-sass
  • Added new accordion component
  • Dropped custom file upload plugin
  • Added new border rounded sizes
  • Modal: removed show option
  • Breadcrumb: simplified appearance, improved extensibility
  • Updated interval new method in carousel
  • Added new overflow classes
  • Added ability to set custom classes in tooltip/popover
  • Dropped Edge Legacy support
  • Refeactored toast positioning
  • Added new .translate-middle-x & .translate-middle-y utilities to horizontally or vertically center absolute/fixed positioned elements
  • Renamed scale-color() function to shift-color() to avoid collision with Sass’s own color scaling function.
  • Added .fs-* utilities for font-size utilities (with RFS enabled). These use the same scale as HTML’s default headings (1-6, large to small), and can be modified via Sass map.
  • Renamed .font-weight-* utilities as .fw-* for brevity and consistency.
  • Renamed .font-style-* utilities as .fst-* for brevity and consistency.
  • Added .d-grid to display utilities
  • Added new gap utilities (.gap) for CSS Grid layouts

Version 2.2.1, released 23.11.2020


  • Restored color support for the note class.

Version 2.2.0, released 23.11.2020

New plugins:

New integrations:

Updated plugins:

New features:

Fixed & improved:

  • Theming - improved light theme design & added option to set theme on any element
  • Datatables - added row click events
  • Input - added form reset integration
  • Flags - class refactor & search fix
  • Ripple - change trigger event from click to mousedown

Version 2.1.0, released 09.11.2020

New backend integrations:

New plugins:

Updated plugins:

New features:

Fixed & improved:

  • Datatable - fixed header & columns bug
  • Sidenav - fixed collapse on render
  • Popconfirm - added animations for popover mode
  • Select - added new searchPlaceholder option that allow to change placeholder of the select search input
  • Datepicker - added new startDay option that allow to change first day of the week
  • Autocomplete - added new initSearch(value) public method that allow to programmatically initialize search results for specified value

Version 2.0.0, released 12.10.2020


New features:

New templates:

New plugins:

Updated plugins:

Fixed & improved:


  • Add closing animation
  • Arrow position update
  • AppendToBody option can be disabled
  • Hidden mode integration


  • Canvas integration

Design updates:

  • Improved animations and background setting for .table
  • Fixed .dropdown-menu padding size


  • .close. New: .btn-close, .btn-close-white
  • .embed. New: .ratio
  • .sr-only, .sr-only-focusable. New: .visually-hidden, .visually-hidden-focusable

Version 1.2.0, released 21.09.2020

Fixed & improved:


  • Toggler icon position fix
  • Z-index update


  • Options height change
  • Size and form-white new options
  • Clear button fix


  • Add option for choosing fontAwesome version (free/pro)


  • Placeholder is now visible if label is not set

250 new design blocks:

New docs:

New templates:

New plugins:

Version 1.1.0, released 07.09.2020

Fixed & improved:


  • Resolved problem with closing the dropdown on input click
  • Resolved problem with toggling the dropdown on the input
  • Native change event will be correctly emitted on the select element
  • Disabled state of the component will be now updated automatically after adding/removing the disabled attribute from the select element
  • Correctly hide native select when initializing component manually with the 'new' keyword


  • Resolved the problem with page reload on the toggle button click when the component is inside a form


  • Added chartjs-datalabels plugin directly to the Chart
  • Added default settings for all datasets


  • Added Material Select
  • Added clickable header


  • Resolved problem with label position after step change


Version 1.0.0 - stable release, released 24.08.2020

The seventh release of MDB 5 and the first stable release. In this version, we focused on testing and confirming stability.

MDB 5 is stable and ready to use in production.

Our approach:

In MDB 5, we mostly use our own solutions, taking from Bootstrap only what is stable and tested.

Our goal was to use all the most popular and stable features of Bootstrap, but at the same time not to rely entirely on Bootstrap itself and build as many of our own solutions as possible.

Together with dozens of our beta testers and the most trusted customers, we have been testing MDB 5 for many months. To be absolutely sure of the stability, we released 4 Alpha and 2 Beta versions before announcing the stable version.

Thanks to this approach, we have control over the source code and we can guarantee its stability.

MDB 5 Pro is also released as a stable version.

MDB 5 Pro

Version 1.0.0 Beta 2, released 17.08.2020

The sixth release of MDB 5 and the second Beta release. This is the last release before the stable release and it brings a ton of news and improvements

New components:

New design blocks:

Together with MDB 5 Beta 2 we are also publishing the first version of MDB 5 Pro.

MDB 5 Pro

Version 1.0.0 Beta 1, released 03.08.2020

The fifth release of MDB 5 and the first Beta release. After a few months of testing and 4 Alpha releases, the project gains enough stability to release the first Beta.

In this version, we focused entirely on scss and javascript optimization to provide the highest standards and quality of the source code.

Version v1.0.0 Alpha 4, released 20.07.2020

The fourth release of MDB 5. It is a minor release that fixes a few small bugs.

Fixed & improved:

  • Fixed issue with floating buttons
  • Fixed z-index conflicts
  • Fixed issue with input autofill
  • Fixed navbar-brand alignment
  • Fixed issue with card borders
  • Fixed issue with checkbox focus
  • Fixed issue with dropdown on mobile


Version v1.0.0 Alpha 3, released 13.07.2020

The third release of MDB 5. It is a minor release that fixes a few small bugs.

Fixed & improved:



  • Added utilities docs

Version v1.0.0 Alpha 2, released 06.07.2020

The second release of MDB 5, which fixes many bugs and introduces many improvements.

Fixed & improved:

  • Improved animations
  • Fixed breadcrumbs in the navbar
  • Fixed aligning buttons, icons, images in the navbar
  • Fixed aligning icons in floating buttons
  • Shadows
  • Fixed validation for forms check and input group
  • Improved color in the .bg-light class
  • Fixed bugs with displaying the wrong color border in outline input
  • Improved styles for input group
  • Fixed bug with the ripple display property


  • Masks
  • Hover effects
  • Positioning for modals
  • Footer
  • Covers
  • Floating buttons


  • Almost all docs updated and improved
  • Added API section to each docs

Version v1.0.0 Alpha 1, released 22.06.2020

The initial release of MDB 5 Alpha 1 integrated with Bootstrap 5 Alpha 1.