Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

List of unnamed Andorian battle cruisers.

By commander[]

By encounter[]

Encounter at Weytahn []

Andorian warship-Enterprise-Vulcan cruiser standoff

A stand-off between the Vulcans, Starfleet, and the Andorians

These two battle cruisers joined Telev's battle cruiser to bring in reinforcements to Weytahn during a conflict between the Andorians and Vulcans. (ENT: "Cease Fire")

Battle of Andoria warships []

Andorian fleet

Enterprise leads the Andorians

These three battle cruisers were part of an Andorian fleet which also consisted of the battle cruiser Kumari, two smaller Andorian cruisers, and Enterprise. The fleet faced off against a Vulcan invasion force of twelve ships. Fortunately, the attack was called off before any ship on either side was destroyed. (ENT: "Kir'Shara")

Ambassador's ship []

This battle cruiser was carrying an Andorian ambassador to a conference on Babel alongside the Kumari when the two ships were attacked by a Romulan drone ship disguised as a Tellarite cruiser. The ambassador's ship was destroyed within seconds, with all hands lost. (ENT: "Babel One")

This battle cruiser was only mentioned in dialogue.

Alliance ships []

Several battle cruisers were incorporated into an Andorian-Tellarite-Vulcan fleet which consisted of some 128 ships, formed in response to a Romulan marauder that threatened the entire region. (ENT: "United")

Rebel cruisers []

These two battle cruisers were part of the rebel fleet that engaged the Terran Empire's assault fleet in early 2155.

They were engaging the ISS Avenger upon the arrival of the USS Defiant. The Defiant quickly destroyed the first ship with a phaser blast, before it fired on and damaged the second vessel's nacelles, which was allowed to escape by the Defiant's commander, Jonathan Archer, so to allow that ship's crew to spread fear among the rebels. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")

Starbase 25 visitor []

Andorian battle cruiser, 2381

An Andorian battle cruiser in 2381

This battle cruiser was docked at Starbase 25 in 2381. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers") Later the same year, it was again present at Starbase 25 when Badgey connected his program to the Federation computer networks, and temporarily seized control of every starship, space station, and planetary system in the quadrant. (LD: "A Few Badgeys More")

Dove rendezvous []

Andorian battle cruiser, 2381-2

An Andorian battle cruiser in 2381

This battle cruiser was stationed near the Dove in 2381. (LD: "Room for Growth")
