Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A toy giraffe

The giraffe was an animal native to Earth.

In 1986, in association with the San Diego Zoo, there were depictions of giraffes on a bag carried by a tourist at the Cetacean Institute. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

In 2024, Kore Soong was playing a video file that showed Adam Soong playing with a little girl that was one of her predecessors. One of the toys that could be seen in her room was a rocking horse, except it wasn't a toy horse, it was a giraffe. (PIC: "Two of One")

To represent a Xindi-Avian skull in "The Council" (described in the episode's final draft script as "the petrified skull of an Avian"), a model replica of a giraffe skull was used.

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