Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Joshua Tree was a Federation Type 6A shuttlecraft in service to Starfleet in the late 24th century, attached to the USS Cerritos.

In 2380, this shuttle was in the shuttlebay of the Cerritos when Ensign D'Vana Tendi arrived on the ship. Later the same year, it was present when Ensign Peanut Hamper arrived on the ship. (LD: "Second Contact", "No Small Parts")

In 2381, Captain Carol Freeman offered the Joshua Tree to Hyde in recompense for the apparent destruction of his previous shuttle, the Ladyjane, by the Cerritos's tractor beam. When Commander Jack Ransom questioned her giving away one of their shuttles, she told him they would report it as lost in a black hole. The Cerritos later caught and repossessed the Joshua Tree after Freeman learned that Hyde had deliberately destroyed the Ladyjane to scam them. (LD: "Mugato, Gumato")

In 2381, the shuttle was used to depart the Cerritos by Mariner, Rutherford, Boimler, and Tendi. Mariner casually left the shuttle after setting its auto-navigation to return the Earth, as she claimed that she had to check the shuttle port nacelle, but was in reality staying aboard the Cerritos. In spite of Mariner's sabotage, Boimler was able to trick the auto-navigation into believing that the Cerritos was Earth and returned to the ship; however, because the shuttle was traveling with the intent of decelerating in Earth's atmosphere, it returned to the shuttlebay at an unsafe rate, and crash landed after it clipped the top of the bay, which ripping off the Joshua Tree's port nacelle, and caused it to rollover several times before landing on its roof. (LD: "Grounded")

Joshua Tree is a National Park located in Southern California.
