Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

The USS Leeds (NCC-70352) was a 24th century Federation Nebula-class starship operated by Starfleet. In the 2370s, the Leeds docked at the space station Deep Space 9. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

In alternate 2373, this starship was docked at Deep Space 9's upper pylon when the space station's civilian population began leaving en mass, following the recommending of voluntary resettlement. (DS9: "The Visitor")


Background information[]

The Leeds was the Nebula-class vessel seen during the DS9 opening credits in seasons 4-7 as well as seen in the episode DS9: "The Visitor". While the registry number and name are not visible in the appearances on screen, the model of the ship used has been photographed bearing these markings. [1] Michael Okuda has stated that, during the credits sequence, the Leeds model appeared on screen with that label. (citation needededit)

According to the script notes from "The Visitor", there was "Unusual activity evident, with transports and runabouts arriving and departing."

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