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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Cerritos.

The USS Cerritos (NCC-75567) was 24th century Federation starship, a California-class second contact and support vessel in Starfleet service in the 2380s decade. Its commanding officer was Captain Carol Freeman. (LD episode: "Second Contact")

Service history and disposition[]

USS Cerritos

The Cerritos in 2380.

The USS Cerritos entered service in the year 2371. It was one of a number of vehicles and spacecraft named Cerritos. (LD module: Lower Decks - Crew Handbook)

In one course of events, the Cerritos was in service since by 2346. (ST video game: Infinite)

In 2378, Shaxs Drazon, then a lieutenant junior grade, served aboard the Cerritos as a security officer. In that year, he temporarily transferred to the USS Theseus to replace Ambassador Worf as the ship's tactical officer. (ST - The Red Path comic: "Part 1") Following the defeat of Kahless, Shaxs transferred back to the Cerritos. (ST - A Savage World of Glass and Bone comic: "Part 1")

In the year 2380, the Cerritos was under the command of Captain Carol Freeman, being docked at Douglas Station where it took on new personnel before it set course for the Galardonian homeworld to deliver Federation infrastructure. While on the planet, first officer Jack Ransom was bit by an insect which caused a viral infection to spread across the ship when he beamed aboard, driving the crew into a murderous rage. Concurrently, Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler ran afoul of more local wildlife, Boimler bringing back a substance that was synthesized into a cure. To Boimler's ire however, only Chief medical officer T'Ana was given credit for this by captain Freeman. (LD episode: "Second Contact")

This ship was later tasked with transporting Klingon flag officer K'orin to Tulgana IV for peace accords. (LD episode: "Envoys")


The Cerritos inside Douglas Station.

The Cerritos was later dispatched to Cardassia so Captain Freeman could take part in a peace conference, but since no one wanted to go to Cardassia, the talks were moved to Vulcan with the Cerritos instead being tasked to deliver some "diplomatic trinkets" to the planet Gelrak V, something that deeply insulted Freeman. It was in this volatile mindset that Boimler unwittingly revealed to Freeman the existence of "buffer time", where crewmembers padded the projected time of their duties to be allowed to take breaks. Furious, Freeman instituted strict schedules that wore down the crew enough that when they arrived at Gelrak V, their insomnia led to a diplomatic incident, with them being too disoriented to repel Gelrakian boarders. When Boimler convinced Freeman to allow buffer time to return, the inspired crew repelled the boarders and later beamed down the correct artifact to the Gelrakians. These events led to the creation of the ironically named Boimler Effect, a ship-wide mandate that promoted the importance of buffer time. (LD episode: "Temporal Edict")

Cerritos and Merced

The Cerritos and Merced.

When the USS Merced had discovered an ancient generation ship, the Cerritos was assigned to help tow the ancient vessel back to Federation territory so its terraforming goo could be studied. When Captain Durango's ego was threatened, the delicate tractor beam balance was disrupted and the Cerritos was partially terraformed before Mariner managed to flood the ship with Perizene gas, undoing the effects. With the Merced beyond repair, the Cerritos towed the generation ship on its own. (LD episode: "Moist Vessel")

The Cerritos was later assigned to help the USS Vancouver demolish an unstable moon of Mixtus III. As the two crews mingled, Vancouver Lieutenant commander Ron Docent attempted to transfer to the Cerritos, tired of the high profile missions the Vancouver undertook, by manipulating ensigns D'Vana Tendi and Samanthan Rutherford. Having recorded everything, Rutherford blackmailed Docent into giving this up, along with surrendering a handful of T88s to him and Tendi. (LD episode: "Cupid's Errant Arrow")

When the wreckage of a Antares-class was discovered, the Cerritos squared off against Drookmani scavengers for the salvage. At the same time, ensign Fletcher's rewiring of the computer core had caused it to become sentient, ejecting itself from its casing and compromising the ship's functionality. Boimler and Mariner managed to eject the corrupted core and send it against the Drookmani. Not wanting to deal with him anymore, Boimler and Mariner gave Fletcher all the credit, correctly predicting it would get him promoted off the Cerritos. (LD episode: "Terminal Provocations")

The command crew was later selected by Admiral Syltrack to liaise with the Pisepian agricultural colony. In the absence of Captain Freeman, the Cerritos was captained by Amina Ramsey. Under her command, the Cerritos rescued the crew of the USS Rubidoux, even as their ship was taken over by a space-borne entity. During this time, the Osler, a Division 14 vessel, arrived to collect Ensign Boimler, stuck in mid-transport, and "The Dog", a genetically engineered lifeform created by Ensign Tendi. (LD episode: "Much Ado About Boimler")

At times, the Cerritos was visited by Q who frequently put humanity on trial.

The Cerritos was later assigned the high profile mission of rescuing Clar from the Romulan Star Empire, being invited to his homeworld to celebrate this afterwards. When Ensigns Boimler, Mariner, Rutherford and Tendi were called to speak however, they misinterpreted the proceedings as a drumhead trial. When returned to the ship, the Ensigns, though denied any answers about the mission, were praised for their defence of Starfleet. The four were then approached by Q only for them to wave him off, too tired to deal with him. (LD episode: "Veritas")

The Cerritos later visited a planet where the ruling class of rats oppressed the lizards. Mariner led the rats in overthrowing their oppressors only for Freeman to stop her violation of the Prime Directive, restoring the planet. Furious, Mariner used Boimler's highly realistic holodeck simulation to work through her feelings, the program allowing Boimler to learn that Freeman and Mariner were mother and daughter respectively. (LD episode: "Crisis Point")

After the people had Beta III had reverted to worshipping Landru, the Cerritos was sent to free the people again, Boimler accidentally revealing on open comms that Mariner was Freeman's daughter. After taking on some new crew, the Cerritos was sent to investigate the last known position of the USS Solvang, discovering that it had been destroyed by the Pakleds, now far more powerful than the Federation had previously known them to be. After security chief Shaxs had given his life upload a virus that destroyed the Pakled ship, the Cerritos was surrounded by three other Pakled crafts only to be saved by the USS Titan. Towed back to spacedock, the Cerritos underwent a refit. At the advice of first officer Jack Ransom, Captain William T. Riker offered Brad Boimler a promotion to the Titan. (LD episode: "No Small Parts")


During a second contact mission on Apergos, Commander Jack Ransom was exposed to strange energy, temporarily gaining god-like powers. (LD episode: "Strange Energies")

Lieutenant JG Kayshon was assigned to the USS Cerritos as the ship's new head of security. Chairman Siggi of the Collector's Guild requested Federation assistance to catalog and dispose of dangerous items in the late Kerner Hauze's collection. The Cerritos was assigned to the task. (LD episode: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

While on the Titan, Brad Boimler had been duplicated by transporter. Due to the Titan's high-profile mission, Starfleet ordered one of the two to be demoted back to the Cerritos. The duplicate, calling himself William Boimler, tricked Brad into accepting the demotion back to the Cerritos. (LD episode: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

During a visit to the Cerritos by Tom Paris, the ship's computer failed to recognize Boimler, causing several mishaps for him until it was rectified. During this time, Lieutenant Shaxs returned from the dead. Ensign Samanthan Rutherford, who felt Shaxs had sacrificed his life for him, eventually asked his superior how he had returned, being deeply traumatized by what he learnt. (LD episode: "We'll Always Have Tom Paris")

The Cerritos was sent to Frylon IV to investigate the reported sighting of a Mugato, a dangerous creature not indigenous to planet. They discovered an illegal Ferengi poaching operation where they harvested the Mugato's horn. Both Boimler and Rutherford manage to reach a compromise with the Ferengi to change the poaching operation to a nature reserve by appealing to the Ferengi love of profit. (LD episode: "Mugato, Gumato")

The Cerritos was then tasked to transport a Doopler emissary to Starbase 25 for trade negotiations. Upon arrival at the starbase, the crew caused the Doopler to embarrass himself, causing him to exponentially duplicate himself. While Ensigns Boimler and Mariner managed to sneak onto the starbase, the rest of the Cerritos crew was barred from docking until the Doopler had been reconstituted, Captain Freeman discovering that angering the Doopler caused his copies to merge. Discovering that the Cerritos did not have clearance to enter the party, Freeman ordered the Doopler beamed off the ship and into the party as petty revenge. LD episode: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

Due to the Pakleds continuing their unprovoked attacks on Federation trade routes, the Federation tried to negotiate a cease fire, with the Cerritos being sent on a diplomatic mission to the Pakled homeworld, Pakled Planet. The Pakled used this as a chance to send their spy Rumdar to steal the Cerritos' schematics by pretending to be a asylum seeker. This plan backfired with Captain Freeman ultimately learning that the Pakleds planned to smuggle a Varuvian bomb onto Earth. (LD episode: "The Spy Humongous")

The Cerritos was later tasked with ending a war on an unnamed planet caused by the supercomputer AGIMUS. While ensigns Mariner and Boimler transported the computer to to the Daystrom Institute for storage, the Cerritos was visited by the Queen of Hysperia, Paolana, who sought for her son, Lieutenant junior grade Andarithio Billups, to take the throne of their homeworld. (LD episode: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie")

The Cerritos was visited by a Starfleet drill instructor, Shari yn Yem who subjected the crew to simulations. As other crews kept passing the tests too easily, Yem had intentionally sought out a ship that would fail to prove the worth of her job to Starfleet. When Captain Freeman discovered this, she ordered the Cerritos to pass near several dangerous anomalies, scaring Yem enough to give the ship a passing grade. (LD episode: "I, Excretus")

During a long warp flight, the Cerritos accidentally discovered an encounter between the Pakled Clumpship Pakled and the IKS Che'ta and were attacked. The Vulcan cruiser Sh'vhal arrived to aid them while Ma'ah slays his captain Dorg, the backer of the Pakled attacks on Starfleet, and takes over the Che'ta, warping away. (LD episode: "wej Duj")

The Cerritos rescued the USS Archimedes when a wave of magnetized ionic plasma disabled the ship. Freeman was then tasked to perform first contact with the Lapeerians in Captain Sonya Gomez's stead. Upon returning to the ship Freeman was subsequently arrested and charged with colluding with Klingon extremists to destroy Pakled Planet. (LD episode: "First First Contact")

With the ship's logs corrupted by the debris field, the Cerritos was placed in a military drydock until the trial was over. Knowing her mother had been framed, Mariner tried to steal the Cerritos to find the culprit only for the ship to wind up as a breeding ground for the space faring verugament. Found innocent, Captain Freeman resumed command of the ship, ordering Ensigns Tendi, Rutherford and Boimler to clean the cargo bay while she disciplined Mariner. (LD episode: "Grounded")


Cerritos Fleet Command

The Cerritos in the Kelvin timeline.

In 2381, the Cerritos was recreated for several holographic training simulations on the holodeck. One of these included the ISS Cerritos of the Terran Empire. (LD episode: "I, Excretus")

A version of the Cerritos visited the Kelvin timeline in the year 2263. (ST video game: Fleet Command)

Crew manifest[]

See USS Cerritos personnel

Command crew[]

Commanding officer[]

First officer[]

Chief engineer[]

Chief medical officer[]

Security officer[]



California-class starships
Federation, Starfleet
(primary universe)
Alhambra • Anaheim • Burbank • Carlsbad • Cerritos • Culver City • Eschscholzia • Eureka • Fresno • Inglewood • Kennedy • McKinley • Merced • Mojave • Mount Shasta • Oakland • Oceanside • Pacific Palisades • Redding • Riverside • Rubidoux • Sacramento • San Andreas • San Clemente • San Diego • San Jose • Santa Monica • Saticoy • Sherman Oaks • Solvang • Vacaville • Vallejo • West Covina • Bakersfield • Northridge • unnamed Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
Terran Imperial Starfleet
ISS Cerritos Terran Empire icon image. Imperial Starfleet icon image.

Appearances and references[]



External link[]
