Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The USS T'Kumbra (NCC-62100) was a Federation Nebula-class explorer starship in service to Starfleet in the 24th century. (DS9 episode: "Take Me Out to the Holosuite"; Decipher RPG modules: Starfleet Operations Manual, Starships)

Service history and disposition[]

In he year 2374, the T'Kumbra was one of sixteen Federation ships assigned to defend the Setlik system against Cardassian forces during the Dominion War. (SCE eBook: War Stories, Book 1)

Nebula class, DS9

The T'Kumbra in 2375.

In 2375, it was commanded by Captain Solok and had an entirely Vulcan crew. Its crew participated in a baseball game on Deep Space 9 that year. The Vulcan baseball team were the Logicians. (DS9 episode: "Take Me Out to the Holosuite")

In 2409 the T'Kumbra was assigned to Star Fleet Battle Group Omega under Admiral D'Vak, fighting the Borg in the Gamma Orionis sector block. (STO mission: "Report to Gamma Orionis")

First Splinter timeline[]

In 2376, the T'Kumbra crew mapped the location of the Iconian Gateways during the Gateways Crisis. (DS9 - Gateways novel: Demons of Air and Darkness)

Later that year, the T'Kumbra was assigned to operate out of Starbase 51, near Trill. Admiral Leonard James Akaar later ordered it to engage and destroy the USS Gryphon. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Lesser Evil)

In January or February 2379, Admiral William Ross considered sending the T'Kumbra to the Romulan border. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)

During the Borg invasion in 2381, the T'Kumbra was one of the vessels which amassed at the Azure Nebula to defend against the Borg. When the USS Aventine and USS Enterprise-E were over three hours to report back from subspace tunnel twenty-two alpha, Captain Chakotay of the USS Voyager prepared to order the T'Kumbra, the USS Templar, and the USS Saladin through, treating it as a combat sortie. However, tunnel twenty-six opened to allow over seven thousand Borg cubes before the ships could depart, assaulting the allied fleet. The entire fleet - with the exception of Voyager - was overwhelmed and destroyed, including presumably the T'Kumbra. (ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals)




Nebula-class starships
Federation Starfleet Standard configuration Aldebaran • Alnwick • Aristotle • Barclay • Bell • Bellerophon • Berkeley • Boadicea • Bonchune • Bonhomme Richard • Bostwick • Bougainville • Boyle • Caddebostan • Chang Teh • Chatelain • Chesapeake • Chin • Columbia-B • Conklin • Courageous • Cousteau • Crick • Curie • Darwin • Descartes • Discovery • Douglass • Edison • Einstein • Endeavour • Euclid • Faraday • Farragut • Fermi • Foucault • Galileo • Gallant • Garuda • Gates • Godel • Hawking • Hegel • Heisenberg • Hera • Himori • Honshu • Hsien Ning • Hubble • Jacobus • Jah'tor • Jasmine • Kelvin • Kerra'don • Khitomer • Knuth • Koerner • Lancaster • Leeds • Leopard • Lexington • Mei Yuan • Melbourne • Merrimack • Ming Chuen • Monitor • Nebula • Newell • New York • Newton • Nightingale • Nobel • O'Neil • Oakham • Ockham • Oppenheimer • Oxford • Pascal • Pasteur • Pavlov • Phoenix • Prometheus • Proxima • Pythagoras • Ranger • Saladin • Salk • Reston • Schrödinger • Schweitzer • Scott • Stafford • Sutherland • T'Kumbra • Temeraire • Tesla • Tintagel • Tomaselli • Tonawanda • Ulysses • Whitney • Zee-Magnees • Zimmerman • unnamed Nebula-class starships UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
variant configurations Magellan-subclass: Magellan

Sutherland-subclass: Sutherland • Huygens • Almagest • Ibn al-Haytham

Terran Imperial Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Berkeley • Nebula Seal of the Terran Empire. Borg Collective Douglass • O'Neil • Tonawanda • unnamed Nebula-class starships Emblem of the Borg Collective.

External links[]
