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Sep 10 at 2:35 comment added Philippe StaffMod (cont.) no questions are out of bounds. Obviously, we're trying to talk to as many of the folks there as possible, so please allow others to ask questions, after you've had a chance.
Sep 10 at 2:34 comment added Philippe StaffMod Responding in order: * Requirements: none, other than that you be willing to attend if invited, or to let us know that you won't so thaat we can pass along the spot. * We're going for a representative mix of folks. We're not going to bias toward all mods or all non-mods, but you're goingt o need to have SOME involvement to be considered. One or two comments likely won't do it. Beyond that, I believe the intent is to bias toward early responses. * There are no rules for that, beyond the bounds of courtesy. We believe that folks here are generally respectful and he has indicated (cont)
Sep 9 at 20:46 history answered Shadow Wizard CC BY-SA 4.0