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Sep 11 at 17:21 comment added V2Blast @Philippe: Now I demand a YouTube stream of nothing but your dad jokes... :P
Sep 11 at 0:26 comment added user4581301 Dad jokes? I'm too old for dad jokes.
Sep 10 at 6:11 comment added Shadow Wizard @Philippe but selfies won't hurt, and will give those interested something to show to their grandchildren, when the day will come.
Sep 10 at 2:27 comment added Philippe StaffMod I appreciate your confidence in my party lines. I’m already warehousing appropriate dad jokes for this event. However, the main purpose of this event is for us to connect with folks in person and I think a random camera following is going to change that dynamic. We have other plans for other types of things to communicate in other ways. And yes, YouTube streams are one that I would love to trial at least once, for content that’s well suited to that medium. Probably best not to waste that on my dad jokes.
Sep 10 at 1:54 comment added bad_coder @V2Blast You need to be guarded when walking down the street if you don't want to be filmed. (Isn't it a US legal saying: no privacy is to be expected in public places?!) But ok, if they want an event for a handful of people in NYC and leave everyone else out that's fine by me. I'm sure Philippe would have some great party lines and good talking points, I was looking forward to hearing him in an informal setting.
Sep 10 at 1:43 comment added V2Blast It being streamed/recorded would also mean folks (not only staff, but also attendees) would need to be more guarded/careful. Unless there's anything actually worth streaming, it would probably not be worth the cost/effort.
Sep 10 at 1:14 comment added Robotnik @bad_coder - That I could get behind :)
Sep 10 at 1:09 comment added M-- "regular Twitch content"... Well, to clarify, 'Just Chatting' is a relatively new directory, and kinda cringe. But, yeah, that's most of Twitch nowadays.
Sep 10 at 1:04 comment added bad_coder @Robotnik off course not, have someone from staff or attending walk around taking the audience/chat along for the mingle. I pledge to spam emotes in chat.
Sep 10 at 0:52 comment added Robotnik I dunno. I'd liken it to streaming PAX or Comicon. Watching people mingle at a distance from a camera on a stand? Boring. Streaming panels, presentations, or keynote speakers though? That's something worth watching.
Sep 10 at 0:49 comment added bad_coder @Robotnik you mustn't have been watching what the regular Twitch content is. No speeches needed, just meeting and mingling is enough to make for great entertainment. If someone wants to make a speech that's a plus but IRL itself is the main event.
Sep 10 at 0:46 comment added Robotnik Depends if this is just a meet and greet, or whether Prashanth/Phillipe will be giving a speech or anything. Watching randos mingle isn't that useful :)
Sep 10 at 0:45 history answered bad_coder CC BY-SA 4.0