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Unanswered Questions

5,128 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
65 votes
0 answers

Adding a link with a space in front causes the link to not work

When you paste a link into the "Insert Hyperlink" box, it adds it automatically as a citation link: [Example 1][1] [1]: But when you paste a link starting with a space , it ...
60 votes
0 answers

Custom comment flags should not auto-delete comments or be automatically marked helpful

Currently, if a user flags a comment with the "Something else" flag option, and that comment matches the regex to be deleted by a single flag, the comment is immediately deleted and the flag ...
56 votes
0 answers

Accessing extended tag info is almost impossible

The new tag popup makes it easy to watch or ignore particular tags and shows the tag info excerpt. Here's one on EL&U: However, the full tag info contains a lot more information which helps users....
52 votes
0 answers

Backwards the migration close reason text is

When choosing a migration path in the close dialog, the text associated with each option doesn't make sense when reading, since it puts the name of the site first and then the text "belongs on": The ...
51 votes
0 answers

Sometimes, two or more identical copies of the same question get posted at the same time despite only submitting once

I've noticed that with the new question asking form, sometimes, attempting to submit a question will post two, or rarely more than two, identical copies of the same question with identical timestamps ...
46 votes
0 answers

Typo in category for “Black or of African descent”

In the current version of The Loop, one of the options for racial background is spelt “Black or of African decent”, rather than “Black or of African descent”. I tried notifying Sara Chipps by @ ...
44 votes
0 answers

Stars and pins are retained when chat messages are moved!

In the chat system, stars and pins are retained when moved to another room. This is probably a bug. Here a picture: When a room owner pins a message, they can move it to another room, and they cannot ...
43 votes
0 answers

Screen reader users cannot discover badges and reputation

There's an accessibility issue with one of Stack Exchange's core features: users who are reliant on a screen reader have no real capacity to learn about and understand badges and reputation, including ...
43 votes
0 answers

Search using symbols is broken

We used to be able to use symbols in search, but that now appears to be broken. I'd expect a search for [python] += list to return a result, but instead the search engine appears to put quotes around ...
42 votes
0 answers

Please don't show the red dot indicator for review items I can't do

This is not a duplicate of Please don't red alert me for queues I've handled, because this reports different things from that question. That question is specifically about the case where the ...
42 votes
0 answers

Site oneboxes are often white, invisible

Oneboxing of site links is often not visible, especially on beta sites: Many sites, like Ask Ubuntu and Sharepoint also have predominantly white logos in oneboxes. These images should have a ...
41 votes
0 answers

Logins can be added/removed without reauthenticating, allowing temporary XSS to be escalated to permanent account hijacking

When you're logged in to a Stack Exchange account, it's possible to add and remove logins (associated OpenID/OAuth accounts) without performing any form of reauthentication. This is not a full ...
41 votes
0 answers

Self-deletion+undeletion clears NAA/VLQ flags

A user whose post was flagged as not-an-answer can remove all those flags by deleting his post and undeleting it right afterwards. This happens because those flags are (rightfully) cleared when the ...
39 votes
0 answers

Why am I receiving marketing emails from SO when I have unchecked every option in the email settings?

I received the email that is being discussed here. The thing is, I don't subscribe to any emails in the settings on SO. It seems like a bit of an oversight that a user who went out of their way to ...
38 votes
0 answers

"Bot" label appears next to my username when I delete a comment posted by the Community bot

On this post: A user asked an off-topic question The community closed it An irrelevant comment was posted by the Community Bot I (a moderator) deleted the irrelevant comment My username in the ...

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