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Unanswered Questions

5,128 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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0 answers

Arrow keys not working while editing answers or comments

Using IE9 on Windows 7 when I type a comment or an answer that exceeds the available vertical size of the editing control (so there is a vertical scroll bar) the arrow keys stop working properly: the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Mobile site chat transcript link not working

Slightly related: Missing features of mobile chat On the mobile site, if I have opened a link to a chat message(eg this, force-mobile-link of the same), I get that day's transcript, without the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Wildcarded favorite tags don't show up in the favorite tags filter

In the new navigation, the 'new' tab, when you choose the 'favorite tags' filter, it brings up my non-wildcarded favorite tags, but doesn't bring up my wildcarded ones.
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot log-in to StackOverflow. 404 Not Found from global

Browser: Firefox 28. I'm getting a "Stack Overflow requires external JavaScript from another domain, which is blocked or failed to load." error. From the StackOverflow site itself: From the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Links choosing sort order in 'favorites' tab of one's own user page have & in URL and don't work for "open in new tab"

On one's own User Page (tested on StackOverflow site), on favorites tab:, the links which should select sort order, i.e. "added", "recent", "views", ...
-1 votes
0 answers

User profile does not open while directly clicking a name in comment from Stack Exchange mobile app

I can't open a commenter profile while directly click the commenter name in comment from mobile app You can check it my below comment... You can't see my profile while directly click my name in the ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Filter display gets broken in Chromium with favorite tags

In Chromium (Version 41.0.2272.118 (64-bit), archlinux) selecting tag filter with favorite tags (containing 10 items) caused show/sort filters to be placed behind the tag list: Screen resolution is ...
-1 votes
0 answers

iOS app crashes when relaunched with inbox/achievements opened

Launch the iOS app Open the inbox or achievements menu Close the app Do other things with your phone until the app has been sufficiently bumped out of ram (not sure exact mechanism, but, uh, you know, ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Why are the [featured] on MSE are using one of the 4 slots?

According to the rules: Additionally, up to 2 recent (post created in the past two weeks) featured posts from Meta Stack Exchange will appear in the community bulletins of all sites. These are also ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Sort-by-progress on A51 profiles isn't working right

If you go to Gilles's profile on Area 51 and look at his fulfilled commitments under the default sort order ("progress"), you see this: This is incorrect - SF&F, having graduated should be at one ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Live-refresh places answers above paginator

When viewing a question with enough answers to add a pagination control, if a new answer arrives and the “1 new answer” banner appears, clicking the banner adds the answer above the paginator, when ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Resize the Careers web site

With the the latest changes in Careers/Jobs site I don't see: * job position * company * location Every piece of info is shortened. Everything is put in this one tiny column in the center of the ...
-2 votes
1 answer

A certain meta page does not open right in IE

Try to open this page in IE (8 and 9 have been tested) [works fine in compat mode] Null bytes accepted as part of text (not really) Only the title seems to load. Is it because of my RTL characters? ...

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