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Unanswered Questions

410 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
63 votes
0 answers

When reviewing chat flags, please show two lines of context and underline the message timestamp

Not all communities and rooms are created equal. Some have higher standards than others. Thus, what can be considered offensive in one room may be very well acceptable in another. What makes them ...
54 votes
0 answers

Two years later: How has moving the Meta link affected Meta usage?

Two years ago the link to a site's Meta was moved from an always-visible position in the top bar to subitems in the help and Site Switcher menus, as part of the top bar redesign progressively rolled ...
45 votes
0 answers

Show larger images for high DPI displays

Some of the newer tablets and also Notebooks (notably the iPad, Macbook Pro and the Nexus 10 tablet) use displays with ultra-high resolutions at around 300 dpi. This makes text look very, very good, ...
37 votes
0 answers

Touch friendly comments

I have a Windows 8 tablet with a touch screen (Surface pro) using IE10, I do not like to use the mouse a lot since it is touch, SE sites are not really touch friendly and the mobile version looks ugly ...
36 votes
0 answers

Include the chosen tags in the search criteria for "Questions that may already have your answer."

In order to improve the question asking page, it would be prevalent to include the tags in the search results. Many users seem to type their question as their title. However, even with a clear title ...
36 votes
0 answers

Tag warning only shown for a second when I post directly after adding tags

When I do the following: write the title and body of a question; go to the tag field; add a tag that triggers a tag warning; do not defocus the tag window; hit Post your question; then I only see ...
36 votes
0 answers

Highlighting the Tag Wikis

There have been some discussions (1, 2) on the usefulness and visibility of Tag Wikis. Two concerns that have repeatedly been voiced are : Searchability Visibility These are major problems with the ...
34 votes
0 answers

Allow users to view the exact date and time they followed a post

When I visit the 'Following' tab on my profile, I can only see the date and time of the last activity but it doesn't show the date and time when I followed the post. Users should be able to see the ...
33 votes
0 answers

If I'm out of spam flags, tell me sooner

At the moment, suppose I see a post that I want to flag. The workflow is: Open the page. Click “flag”. Select the flag reason. Click the “flag question” button. Get feedback that I've used up my ...
30 votes
0 answers

Low contrast text --- doesn't meet WCAG standards

WCAG standards for accessible text are massively ignored on SE: Placeholder text for the Textarea element: Inactive tabs: "Joined ..." notes: All these elements are poorly ...
30 votes
0 answers

The privileges page uses problematic styling

Prompt. The things I can do are faded to the point of unreadability, while the things I cannot do are more legible. The hover effect is used to gain readability of faded items, but many devices have ...
30 votes
0 answers

Display density: how about a compact view?

Update 2021-12-07: I'm now making the same feature request for non-meta UI. I see that Meta's UI has now much more white space than it used to: vs. Would it be possible to add a 'compact view' ...
29 votes
0 answers

Keep moderator post links next to vote buttons

I'm utterly conditioned to expect the moderator post links (flags, deleted comments, timeline) to be right next to the vote buttons and post score bits of the UI. Now that the vote buttons remain ...
28 votes
0 answers

New activity indicator (bullet/dot) in Custom Filters no longer displaying

One of my favorite and most useful features here was that, when I went to a Custom Filter (e.g. Watched Tags), I used to get an indicator (dot/bullet) next to questions with new activity. That seems ...
27 votes
0 answers

Revisit: Format the site content according to the window width

The Stack Exchange website is a annoying to view at anything but the Stack Exchange Official Window Width. (Which is about to change.) Use a narrow window, and you get truncated text. Use a wide ...

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