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Questions/Suggestions about the changes you made

Questions about the changes you made

Questions/Suggestions about the changes you made

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Are there things built into the system that intuitively discourage robo-reviewing? Here, I am not talking about systems that detect it and raise it to mods but about things in the system that encourage reviewers to do it properly.

While these templates are opinionated, I do think these are cases that often occur. I don't think all of these should necessarily be included in the default canned comments but these are things that (in my opinion) often happened during the betas so it would be good to address them.

Are there things built into the system that intuitively discourage robo-reviewing?

While these templates are opinionated, I do think these are cases that often occur.

Are there things built into the system that intuitively discourage robo-reviewing? Here, I am not talking about systems that detect it and raise it to mods but about things in the system that encourage reviewers to do it properly.

While these templates are opinionated, I do think these are cases that often occur. I don't think all of these should necessarily be included in the default canned comments but these are things that (in my opinion) often happened during the betas so it would be good to address them.

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I want to thank the developers, especially to Yaakov Ellis. It was a pleasure to directly give feedback on the Staging Ground and see how the Staging Ground was constantly improved during the betas. It was nice to see that our feedback mattered - and it resulted in a lot of changes.
Then, I want to thank all other staff members that made the Staging Ground possible. This includes but is not limited to people pushed the Staging Ground/told others about its importance, CMs Communicating it, Management deciding to put effortresources into it (I can't believe I'm writing this) and whoever else helped the Staging Ground come alive.
Finally, I am thankful to all other beta testers that found many issues leading to improvements in the Staging Ground.

You mentioned you would be monitoring the Staging Ground for potential issues which is great to hear. Please also make sure to fix any issues that might occur, implement further abuse prevention mechanisms if these will be necessary (e.g. if there are many people bypassing the Staging Ground by reposting their question or reviewers are only using the SG to be the Fastest Gun in the West and the tooling (which I don't know) is insufficient for that), address (meaning considering them and responding appropriately, I am not saying you should implement everything) potential feature requests and most of all ensure that scaling works.

I want to thank the developers, especially to Yaakov Ellis. It was a pleasure to directly give feedback on the Staging Ground and see how the Staging Ground was constantly improved during the betas. It was nice to see that our feedback mattered - and it resulted in a lot of changes.
Then, I want to thank all other staff members that made the Staging Ground possible. This includes but is not limited to people pushed the Staging Ground/told others about its importance, CMs Communicating it, Management deciding to put effort into it (I can't believe I'm writing this) and whoever else helped the Staging Ground come alive.
Finally, I am thankful to all other beta testers that found many issues leading to improvements in the Staging Ground.

You mentioned you would be monitoring the Staging Ground for potential issues which is great to hear. Please also make sure to fix any issues that might occur, implement further abuse prevention mechanisms if these will be necessary (e.g. if there are many people bypassing the Staging Ground by reposting their question and the tooling (which I don't know) is insufficient for that), address (meaning considering them and responding appropriately, I am not saying you should implement everything) potential feature requests and most of all ensure that scaling works.

I want to thank the developers, especially to Yaakov Ellis. It was a pleasure to directly give feedback on the Staging Ground and see how the Staging Ground was constantly improved during the betas. It was nice to see that our feedback mattered - and it resulted in a lot of changes.
Then, I want to thank all other staff members that made the Staging Ground possible. This includes but is not limited to people pushed the Staging Ground/told others about its importance, CMs Communicating it, Management deciding to put resources into it (I can't believe I'm writing this) and whoever else helped the Staging Ground come alive.
Finally, I am thankful to all other beta testers that found many issues leading to improvements in the Staging Ground.

You mentioned you would be monitoring the Staging Ground for potential issues which is great to hear. Please also make sure to fix any issues that might occur, implement further abuse prevention mechanisms if these will be necessary (e.g. if there are many people bypassing the Staging Ground by reposting their question or reviewers are only using the SG to be the Fastest Gun in the West and the tooling (which I don't know) is insufficient for that), address (meaning considering them and responding appropriately, I am not saying you should implement everything) potential feature requests and most of all ensure that scaling works.

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