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- Total Entries661
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Days: 4.0
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All Comments (298) Comments
To be completely honest it reminded me of Earthsea (Miyazaki's sons first movie) which is ironic because that was the movie Miyazaki walked out on during the premier. I gave it a 2 because I gave Nausicaä a 3 and I think it's worse than Nausicaä. It's hard to explain if you haven't seen it but it got me genuinely upset lol.
Is GTO any good?
Surprisingly yes :D
The synopsis sounds super degenerate, but it actualy does a great job tackling serious themes with humour but without making it look tasteless
But here is the code if you want to take a look a it or use it...
But i've found some with some cool splatter scenes that are fun to watch in the dark
Been looking thru 80s/90s OVAs too, but i got 3 stacks to fill, movies, 1 cour, and 2 cour
Are you feeling burnt out or something? You're dropping a lot of stuff
Nah, just looking for some good horror/gore/thriller stuff to make halloween stacks
Tokyo Revenger sucks, the fact you rated it a ten AND you're rewatching it is insane to me
Define sucks
After the first episode Zom 100 has declined significantly, I'm convinced the majority of their production and efforts went into just that one episode alone
Production-wise it's not the best (not even ep 1) but I'll cut them some slack for being a new studio (and it's still better than Chainsaw Man)
The story is still in it's good phase though, but it does get repetitive in later manga vols, so I assume s2 is where the decline might start
Despite watching Hellsing I have no desire to actually watch Hellsing Ultimate for some reason
Hellsing Ultimate is so much better! One of the few time remake beats the original
Ok they both have their pros and cons
Like The OG spends a lot more time getting to know each character vs the remake rushing thru a lot of that (at least in the beginning, remake syndrom)
But also OG is much slower paced despite being half the leangth of the remake which is fast, action packed, and at times even comical
Even though i do like a good charcetr exploration i personally prefere the overall style of the remake
Also OG came out before the manga's completion, so different ending
I am such a sucker for performing arts (arts in general, really) content. So I'd recommend Eiga Daisuki Pompo-san, this movie that came out two summers ago. It's all about the process of filming, cool stuff. Also, Kageki Shoujo!! is really good. The two main characters and their relationship are a lot of fun to watch grow.
I would love a recommendation too, always tryna see cool shit.