All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 45.7
Mean Score:
- Watching64
- Completed213
- On-Hold24
- Dropped87
- Plan to Watch186
- Total Entries574
- Rewatched0
- Episodes2,481
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 49.1
Mean Score:
- Reading115
- Completed83
- On-Hold17
- Dropped55
- Plan to Read123
- Total Entries393
- Reread0
- Chapters8,011
- Volumes978
All Comments (413) Comments
Seriously? Holy shit dude I am sorry but do you really have to be this freaking childish? You are basically butthurt that many people like things you do not and try to ease your mind with giving them low ratings. Jesus Christ, you are 28 years old. How about starting to act according to your age already?
But worry not man I gotchu lol, since it was long ago I don't even want to know as much as back then right when I finished it ahahah.
I still don't get Bakura thing tho lol but hey let mystery be mystery I guess.
I saw you wrote review on the manga, the old school one, the very first... The ending was Dark Yugi sent back to... man I forgot lol. But that's the ending right? Yugi defeated the Dark Yugi?
I kinda don't get the manga lol after the latest arc, where they searching for Dark Yugi real name, I just don't get it how Bakura can be the mastermind, and how they just playing table game after all... And how he was there being villain or so... ;_;
Anyway what's the series after that one? Was it GX? And how's that Yugi? I heard he's still there.