
Protocol No 1 setting out fishing opportunities accorded by Morocco and the compensation accorded by the Community for the period from 1 March 1988 to 29 February 1992 /* Agreement on relations in the sea fisheries sector between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Morocco */

Official Journal L 099 , 16/04/1988 P. 0061
L 181 12/7/1988 P.0014



setting out fishing opportunities accorded by Morocco and the compensation accorded by the Community for the period from 1 March 1988 to 29 February 1992

Article 1

For a four-year period from 1 March 1988, the fishing opportunities provided for in Article 5 of the Agreement, calculated on a monthly basis, shall be as follows: // // // // // // North of latitude 30°40N // 1. 3. 1988 to 28. 2. 1989 // 1. 3. 1989 to 28. 2. 1990 // 1. 3. 1990 to 28. 2. 1991 // 1. 3. 1991 to 29. 2. 1992 // // // // // // Trawling (*) // 18 500 // 18 500 // 18 500 // 18 500 // of which: // // // // // Mediterranean // 763 // 763 // 763 // 763 // Atlantic // 15 436 // 15 436 // 15 436 // 15 436 // Atlantic and Mediterranean // 2 301 // 2 301 // 2 301 // 2 301 // Reduction Article 7 (2) of Agreement // Not applicable // Not applicable // Applicable // Applicable // Restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement (set period of stoppage and/or stoppage spread over one month) // February // February // February // 1 month (1) // // // // // // Seine // 2 100 // 2 100 // 2 100 // 2 100 // of which: // // // // // Mediterranean // 638 // 638 // 638 // 638 // Atlantic (north of Larache) // 1 088 // 1 088 // 1 088 // 1 088 // Atlantic and Mediterranean // 374 // 374 // 374 // 374 // Reduction Article 7 (2) of Agreement // Not applicable // Applicable // Applicable // Applicable // Restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement: // // // // // Mediterranean: stoppage spread over two months: May/June // Not applicable // 1 month (2) // 1 month (2) // 1 month (2) // Atlantic: stoppage spread over two months: March/April // Not applicable // 1 month (2) // 1 month (2) // 1 month (2) // Atlantic and Mediterranean: stoppage spread over one of two periods - March/April or May/June - to be chosen by the shipowner before the start of each fishing year // Not applicable // 1 month (2) // 1 month (2) // 1 month (2) // // // // // // Longlines and other selective types of gear (*) (tramnelnet, gillnet, etc.) // 5 050 // 5 050 // 5 050 // 5 050 // of which: // // // // // Mediterranean // 193 // 193 // 193 // 193 // Atlantic // 4 743 // 4 743 // 4 743 // 4 743 // Atlantic and Mediterranean // 114 // 114 // 114 // 114 // Reduction Article 7 (2) of Agreement // Not applicable // Applicable // Applicable // Applicable // Restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // // // // // // Longlines used mainly for fishing for frostfish // 250 // 250 // 250 // 250 // of which: // // // // // Atlantic // 250 // 250 // 250 // 250 // Reduction Article 7 (2) and restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // // // // // // Sponge-fishing // // // // // Mediterranean // 300 // 300 // 300 // 300 // Reduction Article 7 (2) and restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // // // // // // // // // // // South of latitude 30°40N // 1. 3. 1988 to 28. 2. 1989 // 1. 3. 1989 to 28. 2. 1990 // 1. 3. 1990 to 28. 2. 1991 // 1. 3. 1991 to 29. 2. 1992 // // // // // // Seine (**) // 4 529 // 4 529 // 4 529 // 4 529 // Reduction Article 7 (2) and restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // // // // // // Non-industrial (pole, longline, gillnet, line, pot, etc.) // 3 900 // 3 900 // 3 900 // 3 900 // Reduction Article 7 (2) and restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // // // // // // Cephalopod vessels - wet fishing (**) // 4 900 // 4 900 // 4 900 // 4 900 // Reduction Article 7 (2) // Not applicable // Applicable // Applicable // Applicable // Restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement (stoppage of one month) // Not applicable // October // October // October // // // // // // Freezer cephalopod vessel (**) // 1. 3. 1988 to 31. 12. 1988 36 758 1. 1. 1989 to 28. 2. 1989 33 000 // 33 000 // 29 500 // 29 500 // Reduction Article 7 (2) of Agreement // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // Restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement (stoppage of one month) // Not applicable // October // October // October // // // // // // Trawling for black hake (**) // 7 000 // 7 000 // 7 000 // 7 000 // Reduction Article 7 (2) and restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // // // // // // Trawling for dermersal species (**) // 6 000 // 6 000 // 6 000 // 6 000 // Reduction Article 7 (2) and restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // // // // // // Trawling for pelagic species (**) // 6 500 // 6 500 // 6 500 // 6 500 // Reduction Article 7 (2) and restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // // // // // // Longlines and other selective types of gear (tramnelnet, gillnet, etc.) (**) // 1 500 // 1 500 // 1 500 // 1 500 // Reduction Article 7 (2) and restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // // // // // // Longlines used mainly for fishing for frostfish // 500 // 500 // 500 // 500 // Reduction Article 7 (2) and restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // // // // // // All zones // 1. 3. 1988 to 28. 2. 1989 // 1. 3. 1989 to 28. 2. 1990 // 1. 3. 1990 to 28. 2. 1991 // 1. 3. 1991 to 29. 2. 1992 // // // // // // Tuna vessels (pole and line) // 20 vessels // 20 vessels // 20 vessels // 20 vessels // Reduction Article 7 (2) and restriction Article 7 (4) of Agreement // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // Not applicable // // // // //

(*) These vessels are also authorized to fish between latitude 30°40N and latitude 28°44N.

(**) These fishing activities may not be conducted between latitude 30°40N and latitude 28°44N.

(***) In the zone between latitude 30°40N and latitude 28°44N, these activities may be conducted only beyond 20 miles.

(1) Licences shall be issued for eleven-twelfths of the authorized tonnage. However, on Morocco's initiative, fishing may be halted for biological recovery reasons for a fixed one-month period to be determined by the Joint Committee.

(2) During the period for which fishing is halted for biological recovery reasons, the licences shall be issued for half the authorized monthly tonnage. Article 2

The financial contribution, provided for in Article 2 of the Agreement, to scientific or technical programmes designed to boost research on fisheries and to improve the management of fishery resources and the monitoring of the exploitation of those resources, shall be set at 6 million ECU for the period referred to in Article 1. The contribution shall be payable in four annual instalments to the Ministry of Maritime Fishing and the Merchant Navy.

Article 3

1. The financial compensation provided for in Article 5 of the Agreement shall be set for the period referred to in Article 1 at 272 million ECU, payable in four annual instalments to an account opened with a financial institution or to any other recipient designated by Morocco; a minimum of 20 million ECU of this compensation shall be used to launch and undertake the specific operations provided for in Article 3 and to strengthen the infrastructure of maritime training establishments in Morocco as provided for in Article 4.

2. Furthermore, an additional total amount of 3 500 000 ECU will be made available to Morocco by the Community as study or practical training awards with a maximum duration of five years and also for training periods and exchanges of personnel in the various scientific, technical and economic branches concerning fisheries; of this amount 15 % may be used, at the Moroccan authorities' request, to cover the costs of attending international meetings relating to fisheries. The amount shall be payable as and when awards are taken up.

Article 4

Within the limits and conditions laid down in Annex II, prepared or preserved sardines falling within CN code ex 1604 13 10 or 1604 20 50 and originating in Morocco shall be imported duty-free into the Community under the trade arrangements established by the Cooperation Agreement, by way of derogation from Article 19 thereof.

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