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"Finale, Part 1" is the twenty-first episode in the tenth season of Smallville, and the two hundred-seventeenth episode overall. It aired on May 13, 2011 as part of the two-part finale event Smallville: Finale.


Lois and Clark continue to struggle with the decision of getting married, Oliver plans to take away Clark's powers forever at his wedding, Chloe returns to Smallville, Clark and Lois' wedding is interrupted by a dangerous evil, and Tess discovers Apokolips is heading for Earth.


→ see also Category:Screencaps from episode 10x21


Chloe reads a Smallville comic to her son.

In 2018, Chloe reads a Smallville comic book to her young son, who eagerly listens as he lies in bed. She tells the story of a boy from Kansas whose greatest challenge had yet to come.


Clark and Lois at the Planet.

Seven years earlier

At the Daily Planet, Lois and Clark go back and forth about their upcoming wedding; Lois trying to convince Clark that they are going to call it off and Clark doing the opposite, taking her list of guests and her phone to stop her from calling everyone. Eventually, Clark tells her that she is not in his way, but by his side. He declares that if she really wants to call off the wedding, she will have to leave him standing at the altar.


Chloe and Oliver at the chapel.

At the wedding chapel, Oliver and Chloe are decorating the aisle while reminiscing about the missing memories that was their wedding night. They tell each other that they would have gone through with it even if they hadn’t been under Zatanna’s spell. Oliver tells Chloe that she needs to make sure Lois is on time, as she is still adamant that the world needs Clark more. She is bound and determined to let him go so the world can have him and fully intends to not go through with the wedding.


Tess receives an ominous message from Granny Goodness.

At the Luthor Mansion, Tess is reviewing plans for the mansion's rebuilding when she is confronted by Granny Goodness. Granny offers her one final chance to join Darkseid's forces, so that her soul could be spared during the coming destruction. Granny explains that the coming Apokolips has been called many names in the past; Hades being one of them, hell being another. She tells Tess that even Lucifer, the one everyone says watches over hell, even means light bringer. Tess adamantly refuses the offer, declaring that just because she was born into darkness, her fate is not sealed. As Granny leaves, Tess asks when the apocalypse that she's talking about is beginning. Granny replies that it has already begun.


Martha is upset with Clark.

At the Kent Farm, Martha looks around in shock at all of the boxes that she sees. She looks into a family picture and Jonathan’s reflection is seen. Clark arrives and she tells him that he misunderstood her message when she gave him the farm. She tells Clark that he needs to remember his past and what made him who he is. Clark refutes what she is saying and says that they have to move on and forget what they have lost to progress in their lives. As he leaves after declaring that he has left his past, Jonathan is seen to be crying.


Chloe tries to convince Lois to marry Clark.

Chloe appears at the Daily Planet and in order to convince Lois, who is insistent that she and Clark should not get married, gives her Clark’s vows. Once Lois reads them, she realizes the mistake she was about to make and runs out of the Daily Planet to prepare for the wedding.


Tess discovers Apokolips descending to Earth.

At Watchtower, after hearing Granny's warning, Tess is desperately trying to access all of Queen Industries satellites, only to find out they have all been disabled. She tells Watchtower to bring them online and it tells her that she doesn't have clearnace to do so. She orders Watchtower to access security footage which reveals Oliver as the person who disabled the satellites. Tess asks if the new satellite system has been brought up yet, and Watchtower tells it has. She thanks the Martian Manhunter under her breath and tells Watchtower to bring up the new satellite footage which reveals a massive fireball planet descending towards Earth.


Darkseid's prophets.

Granny, Desaad, and Gordon Godfrey meet at their lair. Oliver comes in and tells them of his accomplished mission. They are pleased and then assign him his next task: to remove Clark's powers using a gold kryptonite wedding ring.


Jonathan appears to Clark at the cemetery.

At Smallville's cemetery, Clark kneels at Jonathan’s grave and expresses his concerns. Jonathan, still unseen by Clark, talks to Clark as he expresses his doubts. Jonathan counters what Clark is saying and does his best to give his unheard advice; Clark says that he has to go beyond that and Oliver appears. Oliver tells Clark that he has to remember his past, and not hide away from everything that has made him who he is. He tells Clark that he has been down this road, and that Clark is the one who saved him.

Clark, adamant on letting go of everything, visits Lois at their apartment. She surprises him by telling him that the wedding is on. She admits that she read his vows and gives him hers in exchange. After discussing what they should do, Clark reads her vows and tells her after moments of silence that he will meet her at the chapel.

Meanwhile, Tess tries her best to alert the team that Apokolips is really a planet inbound for Earth. Before she can finish her warning however, she is ambushed by a group of armed men and taken captive.


Clark and Lois' wedding.

Martha is seated at the wedding, while Oliver and Chloe take their positions as the best man and maid of honor. Lois arrives in the doorway and looks around nervous because Clark is not at the altar, until Clark takes her by the hand. and they walk down the aisle together. Clark is looking around at everyone when he finally sees Johnathan for the first time. He's smiling at Clark and Lois and Clark smiles back. They begin the wedding and Clark and Lois' vows are said again. Near the final moments of the wedding, Oliver opens the ring box for Lois to take out Clark's ring. Chloe notices that it sparkles weird. When the ring gets close to Clark's hand, she sees it start to glow and reaches forward, knocking it as far away from Clark as possible. She asks Oliver what's going on, and he turns to her with his eyes black. Clark realizes what has happened and tells her to get everyone out of there. She rushes everyone out without hesitating.


Clark vs. Oliver.

Oliver demands that Clark surrender to the dark side, his voice overrun with Darkseid timbe, but Clark refuses, telling him "Never." Oliver throws him out of the stained glass window in front of the alter. He then turns around and throws Lois backwards. Clark super-speeds in and grabs her before she can hit the back wall and get injured. He takes her to safety and returns to confront Oliver.


Oliver and Clark see Apokolips in the sky.

After they fight briefly, they both see the gold Kryptonite ring on the floor. Oliver grabs it and he and Clark circle one another. Clark tells Oliver that he's not going to give up on him. He says that Oliver has a good heart, he just needs to let it guide him. He tells Oliver he needs him to be a hero so they can save the world together. He reminds Oliver that he knows gold Kryptonite will take his powers away forever, but he believes in him. Oliver holds the ring up and then curls his hand around it, trying to crush it. He overcomes the power of Darkseid and the Omega symbol fades from his skull as his eyes bleed black. Clark tells him that everything is all right at that point, but a shadow crosses over the sun. Oliver tells him that the world needs its heroes sooner than they thought as he and Clark see Apokolips moving in front of the sun.


Clark, Martha, and Lois at the farm.

Lois listens to Tess’ voicemail as everyone gathers at the Kent farm. Martha tells them that none of the government officials are saying anything until the President speaks. Chloe states that she needs to access her database in Star City and Oliver says he's going with her. She tells him he needs to stay with Clark since his powers are better suited to help him. Chloe looks at Clark, rushes towards him and hugs him, telling him "I'll see you in the funny pages." Oliver follows her out and asks her if he can at least drive her, and she flat out says "No." Oliver grabs her and they kiss under the volcanic solar eclipse now occurring. As Chloe walks away, her smile fades.

Inside the house, a sudden flare of red light encompasses the sky. While Martha and Lois watch the impending doom, Clark sees Jonathan standing outside the backdoor and follows him to the loft. Jonathan tells Clark that he knew he would see him again when he was ready. Clark says that he thought he had to leave everything behind, but then admits that everyone he cares about is what makes saving the world worthwhile. Clark admits that he's scared to face Apokolips since he failed when he faced him before. He almost lost and let himself get taken over.


Jonathan and Martha gaze at Apokolips.

Johnathon tells Clark that Darkseid has never face the man in front of him, the man he has finally become. He says that as much as him and Martha tried to protect him from his origins and what challenges he was going to have, their guidance isn't enough anymore. He needs to return to Jor-El and let him guide him from now on. Clark states that he can't because he turned his back on him like he did with Jonathon. Jonathon smiles and states that Jor-El is his father and he'll understand, since all fathers do. Martha walks up the stairs and tells Clark not to doubt himself because this has been coming for a long time. She tells him how before he found them in the field, they wanted a child so badly. He was their miracle. However, now the whole world needs the miracle that is him. Clark hugs her, while Jonathon hugs them both. There is another bright flare of red and they all pull away. Jonathon tells him it's time. He thanks them and speeds away as Jonathan and Martha gaze at Apokolips.



Special Guest Stars[]

Guest Starring[]





  • Johann Pachelbel - "Canon in D"
  • Sara Bareilles - "Breathe Again"


  • A "finale" refers to the last piece or end of a work.
  • The title refers to this episode being the first part of the last episode of Smallville.
  • The title mirrors the title of the first episode of the series: Pilot.



Jonathan and Martha reunited.


Lois and Clark's wedding program.

  • When Granny Goodness talks to Tess about Darkseid's coming, she refers to Lucifer being a name for him in Earth legend. Just as beguiling and seducing as the Devil, Granny Goodness articulates false doctrine in order to win Tess over to her agenda. According to Biblical teachings, Lucifer - meaning "light-bearer" in Latin - by his own pride and rebellion, had been reduced to a "fallen" angel, subsequently becoming the Devil, now known as Satan. The paralleling morality elements of good versus evil also compare or liken Superman to Jesus Christ.
  • While moving towards the Earth, Apokolips passes by and knocks into the rings of Saturn. In the comics, Saturn was home to a race of Martian clones, calling themselves Saturnians. Saturn's moon, Titan, is where Saturn Girl is from.
  • The episode opens with an older Chloe reading a Smallville comic book to her son. This is a nod to Superman: The Movie, which opens with a kid reading an issue of Action Comics. The two-part finale gives no context to the Smallville comic book, with the 2018 scenes of Finale, Part 2 depicting Clark's identity as still being a secret. Though, it should be noted that in the comic book panels shown onscreen, and Chloe's narration of them, "Clark" is simply "the Boy" (who becomes Superman). No names are given to any of the people in the comic. It is possible that the comic book is a work of fiction, that someone has created in-universe, telling a fictional story about Superman's early life (that the comic's creator made up). There is a basis for this in the comics. Action Comics #414 (July, 1972) introduced fictional actor Greg Reed, who plays Superman in in-universe movies and TV shows. Earlier Superman #19 (December, 1942) has Clark and Lois attending the screening of a Superman cartoon (part of that story involves Clark attempting to distract Lois during the screening, to protect his dual identity). It would not be out of the realm of possibility that people in 2018 knows that Superman, at least, landed in the Smallville area. The Season Eleven story Haunted establishes that, at least one of Clark's earlier saves, has retroactively been credited to the Blur/Superman. Smallville also suffered two meteor showers in 1989 and 2005, containing what people might have learned by 2018 as being radioactive pieces (called "Kryptonite") of Superman's homeworld. Creating a direct link between Superman and the town of Smallville to the general public (with them being left to guess the rest). One panel in the comic shows "the Boy" (Clark) standing at Smallville High School with a dark-haired girl (Lana), a blond girl (Chloe) and an African-American male (Pete). While this is an accurate depiction of Clark in high school, the three teenagers with "the Boy" can (in the context of the panel) also be viewed as archetypes (frequently found in works of fiction): the blond girl and the dark-haired girl (like Betty and Veronica in Archie Comics, Jen and Joey on Dawson's Creek, etc.) and the token black guy.
    • Another possibility is that the comic book is fake. Something that Chloe has had made for her son. The date on the cover is April 2011, which would mean that it would have been written, drawn and printed before the events of the finale happened. Season Eleven confirms that the boy's father is Oliver Queen, who is publicly known as the Green Arrow (and thus able to speak openly to their son about his adventures with Superman and others). Chloe, on the other hand, (due to Clark's identity still being secret) would not be able to speak openly to her child about the adventures that she had with Clark during their teenage years.
  • Chloe's son is unnamed in the two-part finale. However, the Season Eleven comic confirms that the boy's father is Oliver Queen, and that the boy's name is Jonathan. The character might be a nod to the son that Pete Ross had in the comics, in the 1970s, Jonathan "Jon" Ross. The boy's mother was never established.
  • Granny Goodness explains that Tess was born in darkness which is proven by being Lionel's heir, raised by Granny Goodness and abusive parents, and being Lex's sister.
  • Perry White did not attend Clark and Lois' wedding even though he was shown dating Martha in Season Nine's Hostage.
  • While Clark interacted with his mom in Season Nine's Hostage and Season Ten's Beacon and with his dad in Season Ten's Lazarus and Kent, all three interacted with each other for the first since Season Five's Reckoning.
  • The first part of the finale is Jeff Hage's 7th and final episode. He's tied with Dr. Harden, Adam Knight, Grant Gabriel, Gina, and Faora (clone) as the 10th most frequently seen recurring characters in the series after Jor-El, Nancy Adams, Brainiac, Emil Hamilton, Ethan Miller, John Jones, Nell Potter, George, and Helen Bryce. Jeff, Dr. Harden, Adam, Grant, Gina, and Faora are the most frequently seen recurring characters in the series who are tied with each other in the number of episodes they appeared in. Despite this, Jeff's actor, Evan C. Schulte, never received "Guest Starring" billing that appeares after the opening credits in any of his episodes.
  • Towards the end of the episode, Chloe hugs Clark and says: "See you in the funny pages". This is the only time that Chloe speaks to Clark in the episode. However, Clark does not speak to Chloe in the scene. In fact, Clark does not speak to Chloe throughout the two-part series finale.

Wedding guests[]

  • At Clark and Lois' wedding both sides of the aisle are packed. Two instantly recognisible guests (not counting Chloe and Oliver) are Martha Kent (mother of the groom) and Jeff Hage (a co-worker from the Daily Planet). However, there are more familiar faces present, who have either appeared in past episodes or are present in Finale, Part 2. These include:
    • Eddie, a guest of the bride. Eddie is a Smallville High alumn who briefly appeared in the episode Homecoming. Eddie is shown arriving with a woman in a green dress, whom he sits down next to (presumably his plus-one, potentially his girlfriend).
    • The unnamed wedding Photographer, a guest of the groom. The same actor appeared in the 2013 sequence of the Season Nine finale Salvation. He is also present at the Daily Planet bullpen in Finale, Part 2 (indicating that the character is a co-worker of Clark and Lois).
    • An unnamed female guest on the last row, a guest of the bride. The same actress can be seen outside of the Daily Planet bullpen in Finale, Part 2 (indicating that the character is also a co-worker of Clark and Lois).
    • An unnamed male guest on the second row, a guest of the groom. This same actor previously appeared at the Daily Planet in Conspiracy, Salvation, Supergirl, Isis, Booster, and Prophecy (indicating that the character is yet another co-worker from the Daily Planet). He is also in the Daily Planet bullpen in Finale, Part 2.
    • An unnamed Asian-American woman, a guest of the groom. The same actress can be seen at the Daily Planet in 2018 in Finale, Part 2. Indicating that she is another co-worker, or a friend of Clark's who will join the paper by 2018 (she is seemingly not at the Daily Planet in the present day scenes).
    • Next to Martha, on the front row (typically reserved for close relatives) are an unnamed elderly couple. It is possible that they are Martha's parents. Her father, William Clark, appeared in the Season Two episode Redux, where he was portrayed by actor George Coe.
    • Early in the episode, Lois holds up the first page of the guest list for the wedding, giving the names of some of the people in attendence (and if they are with the bride or the groom):
      • James and Sandra Lane (husband and wife), Myrtle Lane, John Lane, Paul Lane, guests of the bride. Given their last name, they are relatives of Lois (and members of the Lane family). Potentially, they are her uncle (through Sam Lane), aunt-by-marriage, and cousins. Provided that Myrtle is one of the two women seated together on the first row, then the second woman is likely her plus-one (which the guest list specifies that she would bring), possibly a romantic partner (being the only two people of the same sex being seated together) or friend. John and Paul might be the two men seated on the second row, which would make it possible that the two women seated with them and Jeff Hage are their plus-ones. Though, one of the women might be Jeff's plus-one, which the guest list states he will bring.
      • Bert & Lorna Kent (husband and wife), Andrea Kent, and Kelly Kent, guests of the groom. Given their last name, they are relatives of Clark (and members of the Kent family). Potentially, they are his uncle (in the comics, Jonathan Kent has had a brother named Burt Kent), aunt-by-marriage, and cousins. Earlier episode Metallo, establishes that Clark has cousins through, at least, one of his adoptive parents.
      • Joanne Totter, guest of the groom. Joanne is a co-worker from the Daily Planet. She appears in several episodes, where she can be seen being seated behind her desk in the Daily Planet bullpen (though, usually played by different actresses being seated behind the desk).
      • Jim Pratt, a guest of the groom. This is presumably the same Jim Pratt (a classmate of Clark's from Smallville High), who is referenced in the Season Four episodes Sacred and Ageless, and the Season Ten episode Homecoming, making Jim an old friend of Clark's from high school.
      • Dustin Farrell, guest of the groom. This is presumably the same Dustin Farrell (a classmate of Clark's from Smallville High), whom Clark and Lana are shown having gotten e-mails from in the episodes Rosetta, Delete and Sacred, making Dustin an old friend of Clark's from high school.
      • Steve Eathorne, a guest of the bride. It is unknown what he is to Lois Lane. However, in the episode Homecoming, there is a name tag for a Smallville High alumn named Steve Eathorne, making it possible that Steve is someone that Lois knows from her brief time at the school.
      • Blair Hackman, a guest of the bride. It is unknown what he is to Lois Lane.
      • Ron Biglow, it is not visible onscreen if he is a guest of the bride or groom. Nor is it known if he is a relative, friend, or co-worker of one of them.
      • Amie Gibbins, it is not visible onscreen if she is a guest of the bride or groom. Nor is it known if she is a relative, friend, or co-worker of one of them.
      • The rest of the guests are presumably more of the same: relatives, friends, and co-workers. The show would occasionally make references to the characters having lives outside of the plots of individual episodes. For example, Clark and Chloe running into one of Lois' poker buddies in the Season Eight episodes Hex, or one of the characters getting e-mails from offscreen characters.


Homage To Previous Seasons[]

  • Lois reconsiders marrying Clark but ultimately goes through with their marriage, which parallels Lana's decision to marry Lex in Season Six's Promise.
  • Clark helping Oliver break free from Darkseid's control parallels how Lois helped Wes Keenan break free from Lex's control in Season Six's Prototype.
  • Lois asking "Everything ok, Smallville?" and he replies with "Perfect. It's perfect." parallels Lana asking him the same question (saying his name "Clark" rather than "Smallville") and him replying in the same manner after their imaginary dance in Season One's Pilot.
  • Chloe prevented Clark from putting on the gold kryptonite ring that would have probably taken away his powers permanently. This ironically alludes to Chloe's advice towards Clark to keep off any kind of ring until his wedding day when a blue kryptonite ring temporarily suppressed Clark's powers in Blue three and a half years ago, which itself is a reference to his issues with red kryptonite rings.



Chloe: "This is the story of an amazing boy who grew up in the fields of Kansas in a little town called Smallville. When he became a man, he believed the only way to seize his destiny was to turn his back on both his parents and refused to see the darkness descending on Earth. But all that was about to change. He was about to face his greatest challenge."

Granny Goodness: I want to give your soul eternal life! Please, Lutessa, let me save you!
Tess: From what?
Granny Goodness: Darkseid's Apokolips. Evil in its purest form -- the heart of human nature, obscured over time as something to be cast away rather than embraced. Hades, Kali -- even the word "Lucifer" is an old Latin phrase meaning "morning star," "bringer of light." I'm afraid the centuries and translations have twisted Darkseid's true gifts. But before the end of days, his rapture will be the only salvation.
Tess: I will never join you.
Granny Goodness: Farewell, my child. Bless your soul.
Tess: Wait. When? I mean, what do you mean? When? When is this hell coming?
Granny Goodness: It's not coming, Lutessa. It's upon us.

Martha: No matter where I am or who I'm choosing to bring in my life, your father is always with me. And he's with you, if you just allow yourself to - to see him.
Clark: I did. Last year. I thought I was talking to him. But then I realized it was just an excuse for me not to face my future - just I was waiting for Jor-El to show me the way. I had to move on.

Watchtower: Manhunter has put the new space station online, per your request..
Tess: Thank God for our favorite Martian.

Lois: There's no Chloe quip that's gonna change my mind. Clark can hear the world's cries for help, and he's duty-bound to answer the call. I'm not gonna stand in his way.
Chloe: He can't listen all the time, Lois. He's not God. He can't be aware of every bird or blade of grass, okay? He's a man. And sometimes he needs to not listen. He needs to rest, to love, to laugh. And when he finally does to decide to take to the skies, he's gonna need you to ground him.
Lois: Well, that's what I'm afraid of. I'm grounding him, keeping him from soaring to new heights.
Chloe: Oh, Lois...that is so not what he thinks. But since you're not gonna meet him at the altar...(gives Clark's vows to her) should hear that from his own words.

Clark: (at his father's grave, Jonathan's spirit watches him) I never wanted to say goodbye.
Jonathan: Then don't.
Clark: I thought I had it all figured out - how to move on... how to bury my guilt, my insecurities, my questions. I'm so close. I know who I'll become. I've seen it. Lois thinks I should let her go. Mom says I should hold on to you.
Jonathan: You don't need to hold on to someone, Clark, if they're already in your heart.
Clark: I just keep leaning on you, on Jor-El. I need to stand alone. It's better that way.
Jonathan: You mean it's easier that way.
Clark: It's just I've missed you so much.
Jonathan: Then let me be there for you, Clark. A-and don't - don't push your mother away. We're part of you.
Clark: It's like I'm on a cliff standing on the edge, and where I'm looking is beyond where you've been before, it's beyond than Jor-El has ever been before. And much as I value everything you've given me, I need to go beyond where either of you can guide me anymore, to be the hero the world needs me to be.

Oliver: Clark, I don't think taking a scalpel to your past is gonna turn you into the caped Skywalker of your future.

Oliver: I've done what you asked. They won't know Apokolips is coming.
Granny Goodness: Our dark lord will be pleased.
Gordon Godfrey: Now he asks one final mission of you -- to protect the souls we have saved.
Desaad: (gives Oliver gold kryptonite ring) This will disarm the bringer of light, the one who threatens to vanquish the darkness.

Lois: (wedding vows to Clark) I wanted these vows to be perfect, but perfection's a hard thing to get your hands on. But life is meant to be a little messy. And when it comes to love, I think it's like my dad always said about the army. You only sign up if it's the only thing you can ever imagine doing. And Clark, I cannot imagine spending a moment of my life without you. So I promise that I will always have your back as you will always have mine. You're my best friend, you're my home, and you are my true love, and I am yours and will be forever.

Clark: (wedding vows to Lois) I Clark Kent take you Lois Lane to be my companion, forever. And with you by my side I will never be alone. Though the world sees a strong and independent woman, I've never known someone with such gentle grace and more pure heart. When I've been lost you've always been there to bring me back, so on this day, at this moment, I pledge the rest of my life to you. You've always believed in me, and I believe in you. And when you believe in someone it's not for a minute, or just for now, it's forever.

Clark: Everything's okay now.
Oliver: No, it's not. (sees Apokolips approaching in the sky) Looks like the world's gonna needs its heroes sooner than we thought.

Chloe: You need to do what you do best. Be a hero.
Oliver: You, too, Sullivan.

Jonathan: I knew you'd see me again when you were ready.
Clark: I made a mistake, Dad. I thought I had to leave you behind. But it's you and Mom and everyone that I care about that makes this world worth saving.
Jonathan: But you're worried you're gonna fail this time. I know you're scared, son.
Clark: I faced Darkseid before. He knows my weakness. He almost defeated me. I need your help.
Jonathan: But, son, he never saw the man standing before me now. Clark Kent, as much as your mother and I tried to protect you from your origins, tried to prepare you to face any challenge... I'm sorry, son, but our guidance just isn't enough anymore. You're gonna have to let Jor-El guide you from here on out.
Clark: I can't, Dad. I turned my back on him like I did you.
Jonathan: He's your father. He'll understand.
Martha: Don't doubt yourself, Clark. This has been coming for a long time. Before you arrived, we wanted a child so badly. The day you found us in that field, you were the miracle we prayed for. Now the world needs that same miracle.

See also[]

Previous Story:
Next Story:
Finale, Part 2
EpisodesSeason 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10

Minor CharactersSeason 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10

Screencaps: Season 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 · 10

CategoriesMain Characters · Relationships · Villains

ComicsThe Comic · Season 11 · Miniseries
