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The swipe gesture recognizer makes hammer apply the touch-action: pan-y css property to the DOM node its on,

This basically tells the browser to ignore all vertical gestures and you get no vertical scrolling.

To fix that simply specify in hammer's options {touchAction: 'auto'}, without jQuery it looks like that: var hammertime = new Hammer(resim, {touchAction: 'auto'});

var hammertime = new Hammer(domElement, {touchAction: 'auto'});

hammertime.on('swipe', function(ev) {
    var targetLi = this;

The swipe gesture recognizer makes hammer apply the touch-action: pan-y css property to the DOM node its on,

This basically tells the browser to ignore all vertical gestures and you get no vertical scrolling.

To fix that simply specify in hammer's options {touchAction: 'auto'}, without jQuery it looks like that: var hammertime = new Hammer(resim, {touchAction: 'auto'});

hammertime.on('swipe', function(ev) {
    var targetLi = this;

The swipe gesture recognizer makes hammer apply the touch-action: pan-y css property to the DOM node its on,

This basically tells the browser to ignore all vertical gestures and you get no vertical scrolling.

To fix that simply specify in hammer's options {touchAction: 'auto'}, without jQuery it looks like that:

var hammertime = new Hammer(domElement, {touchAction: 'auto'});

hammertime.on('swipe', function(ev) {
    var targetLi = this;
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The swipe gesture recognizer makes hammer apply the touch-action: pan-y css property to the DOM node its on,

This basically tells the browser to ignore all vertical gestures and you get no vertical scrolling.

To fix that simply specify in hammer's options {touchAction: 'auto'}, without jQuery it looks like that: var hammertime = new Hammer(resim, {touchAction: 'auto'});

hammertime.on('swipe', function(ev) {
    var targetLi = this;