This is one of the places which **two ways data binding** or **store concept** that's used in many new JavaScript frameworks will work great for you...

So if you are using **Angular, React** or any other frameworks which do **two ways data binding** or **store concept** this issue is simply fixed for you, so in easy word, your result is `undefined` at the first stage, so you have got `result = undefined` before you receive the data, then as soon as you get the result, it will be updated and get assigned to the new value which response of your Ajax call...

But how you can do it in pure **javascript** or **jQuery** for example as you asked in this question?

You can use a **callback**, **promise** and recently **observable** to handle it for you, for example in promises we have some function like `success()` or `then()` which will be executed when your data is ready for you, same with callback or **subscribe** function on **observable**.

For example in your case which you are using **jQuery**, you can do something like this:


        function foo() {
            $.ajax({url: "api/data", success: function(data){
                fooDone(data); //after we have data, we pass it to fooDone
        function fooDone(data) {
            console.log(data); //fooDone has the data and console.log it
        foo(); //call happens here

For more information study about **promises** and **observables** which are newer ways to do this async stuffs.