Yaleadsense Hero 4f

Anxious over mounting student loan debt during my graduate studies at Yale University, I created a Google AdSense account, “hacked” Yale’s School of Art website to host these paid adverts, and collected all the proceeds for myself. I was going to make Yale pay for Yale.

I placed the paid ads in poignant locations, such as the School of Art homepage, Financial Aid page, my own student page, and more—always captioned with the battle cry “Yale’s website will pay for my student loans.” The reaction from fellow students, the faculty, and administration, was both swift and polarized; from rebellious glee to indignant rage. I received hate mail. I heard rumors that I might be asked to leave Yale. When an unrelated media firestorm engulfed our school community, I was informed that by placing my ads on one particularly sensitive page I was putting the existence of Yale’s School of Art website itself at risk. Was it worth it? (And was it art?)

(Check back in December 2024 for an updated and expanded case study.)