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The Path to 2409: Volume 7, Chapter 1 |
In 2386, the Romulan Mining Guild finished a multi-year study of Remus and presented its findings to the Romulan Senate. The guild reported that the planet was seriously overmined, and recommended that to avoid a Praxis situation all Remus operations should be shut down and mining operations moved to more distant areas of space.
As a proactive measure, the guild spread their operations across the Empire, settling hundreds of miners and their families on space stations and colonies light years away from Romulus.
The guild further recommended that it be put in charge of all off-world mining, but Colonel Xiomek of the Remans used his new position in the Senate to block that request. In the weeks that followed, conflict between the guild and the Remans sparked a number of skirmishes between guild ships and Remans in distant areas of the Empire. |
The Path to 2409: Volume 7, Chapter 2 |
After the Romulan Mining Guild discovered overmining has destabilized Remus and recommended that the population of that frozen world be moved elsewhere, Colonel Xiomek of the Remans spoke to the Romulan Senate. He argued that if the Remans are to be moved, that they should be given a continent on Romulus for their new home. The full Senate overwhelmingly rejected his proposal.
With the backing of Donatra, Rehaek and Praetor Chulan, an alternative plan was reached. The Remans instead were offered the planet of Crateris in the distant Gamma Crateris system. The site of a failed Romulan colony, the planet had a harsh climate and is beset by almost constant electrical storms but was rich in dilithium, decalithium and heavy metals.
Xiomek agreed, because even the harsh climate of Crateris was a significant improvement over Remus. Thousands of Remans boarded colony ships and made the move to their new home. |
Der Weg bis 2409: Buch 7, Kapitel 3 |
Bei Sternzeit 83322.55 sandte Rehaek, der Anführer der Tel Shiar, eine Erklärung an den Prätor und die Führer im romulanischen Senat, welche die Rückschlüsse seiner Untersuchung zur Ermordung von Prätor Tal'aura enthielt. Rehaek befand, dass Tal'aura von Agenten getötet wurde, die einer Koalition der Adelshäuser eng verbunden seien und durch ihre Reformation des Senats verärgert waren.
Sowohl Donatra als auch Sela wollten Beweise sehen, die seine Behauptungen stützten. aber Rehaek weigerte sich, seine kompletten Erkenntnisse preiszugeben.
Als Vergeltung für den Tod von Tal'aura begannen die Tal Shiar eine Reihe von Übergriffen auf die Adelshäuser, nahmen dutzende von Adligen gefangen und ergriffen deren Vermögen. Sela ging gegen die Verfolgung ihrer wichtigsten Unterstützer vor und beeinflusste den Senat entsprechend, um den Geldfluss für die Tal Shiar drastisch zu beschneiden.
In einer Rede vor dem Senat beschuldigte Sela Elemente innerhalb der Tal Shiar, über Wissen zu dem Komplott zur Ermordung von Tal'aura zu besitzen, jedoch nichts unternommen zu heben. "Macht sie das ruhige Zusehen so schuldig wie die Mörder?“ So fragte Sela."'lndem sie von ihrem Treueschwur zum Schutz des Prätors als Symbol für Romulus selbst abwichen, sind sie kein bisschen besser als diejenigen, die das Messer führten, das sie getötet hat.“
Donatre weigerte sich, in dem Konflikt zwischen Sela und Rehaek Partei zu ergreifen und bestärkte stattdessen den Prätor die Situation in die Hand zu nehmen. Prätor Chulan ernannte einen Senatsausschuss zur formellen Untersuchung der Angelegenheit, aber der Ausschuss unternahm nicht viel.
The Path to 2409: Volume 7, Chapter 4 |
On Stardate 63446.41, an explosion destroyed Rehaek's home on the outskirts of Ki Baratan. Observers reported several visitors to the estate of the leader of the Romulan Tal Shiar in the hours before the blast, any of whom could have planted the explosives. The remains of Rehaek's wife and young daughter and several servants were found in the wreckage, but no trace of Rehaek was ever found. Investigators theorized that the blast was intense enough to have vaporized anyone close to the point of detonation.
Two hours after the explosion, Tal Shiar forces stormed Sela's townhouse in Ki Baratan, taking her and her personal guard into custody for the murder of Rehaek. In a secret trial held days later, Sela was sentenced to death for the crime. At the last minute, Donatra intervened. She argued that the evidence was not overwhelming, and pressured Praetor Chulan to allow Sela and her supporters to accept permanent exile instead of death.
The leader of the Romulan fleet, Admiral Taris, maintained a low profile during the troubles, putting many of her responsibilities in the hands of General Tebok. Late in 2386, she informed Donatra that she planned to take her ship to Levaeri V to investigate claims that a blade believed to be the Sword of the Raptor Star had been recovered.
The ancient sword, reputed to be one of the swords created by Vulcan swordsmith S'harien and taken into exile by S'task, was a revered artifact of the Sundering. |
Der Weg bis 2409: Buch 7, Kapitel 5 |
Die Gorn Hegemonie betrauerte den Tod von König Xrathis im Jahr 2388. Sein Sohn, Kronprinz Slathis, bestieg den Thron und übernahm die Verantwortung für die Bewältigung der zahlreichen Probleme der Hegemonie. Eine seiner ersten Handlungen war die Verstärkung der Grenze zu den Klingonen. Durch die höhere Anzahl der Schiffe kam es zu einigen Reibereien.
Die Klingonen reagierten auf die Aufrüstung durch die Gorn, indem sie mehr Schiffe an ihre eigene Grenze schickten. Bei Sternzeit 63504.74 eskalierte die Pattsituation zu einem offenen Konflikt, als eine klingonische Flotte die Gornkolonie auf Gila VI bombardierte. Zwei Tage später landeten klingonische Truppen auf dem Planeten und konnten nach zwei Tage andauernden blutigen Schlachten mit der Abwehr der Gorn den Planeten übernehmen.
Diplomaten der Föderation arbeiteten mit beiden Seiten. um eine friedliche Lösung zu erarbeiten, aber einige Analysten prognostizierten, dass innerhalb von vier Jahren ein richtiger Krieg ausbrechen würde. Der Botschafter der Föderation, Worf, richtete einen persönlichen Appell zur Beendigung der Feindseligkeiten an seinen Freund Kanzler Martak. aber privat ließ Worf verlauten, dass er nicht sicher sei, ob Frieden möglich wäre.
The Path to 2409: Volume 7, Chapter 6 |
All was not work for Ambassador Worf in 2386, though. He wed Grilka in a traditional Klingon ceremony with his family and many of his friends from Starfleet in attendance.
A surprise guest at the wedding of Worf and Grilka was Data. With his upgrades at the Soong Foundation complete, Data requested that his commision in Starfleet be reactivated. While there were some initial questions because the Data persona was in the body once used by B-4, after Jean-Luc Picard, William T. Riker and several other current and former members of the Enterprise crew testified on Data's behalf, Starfleet Command agreed to reinstate the android. He was promoted to captain and assigned to supervise the completion of the Enterprise-E's refit.
On Stardate 63894.06, the refit of the Enterprise-E was complete and the ship, helmed by Captain Data, left the Utopia Planitia shipyards. "We are introducing a new era of exploration and peace," said Starfleet Command spokesperson Commander Marie Durant.
Another update by Starfleet is its uniforms. Starfleet completed a redesign of the uniform code and by the end of the year all of its officers were wearing the new designs. |
The Path to 2409: Volume 7, Chapter 7 |
On Ferenginar, protests rocked the capital for two days after Grand Nagus Rom used tax proceeds to start free schools. Many Ferengi saw the free education as an assault on traditional values, and the demonstrations continued until Rom charged each protester ten slips of latinum for mass assembly without a proper permit.
To get a permit to protest, Rom charged a bar of latinum. Proceeds were used to fund the educational system. |
The Path to 2409: Volume 7, Chapter 8 |
In addition to working to curb the rising hostilities between the Klingons and the Gorn, Federation diplomats were hard at work crafting a new pact between the Federation and the Cardassians.
On Stardate 63976.74, the Cardassians signed a new treaty, in which they agreed not to field a military or wage war. In exchange, the Federation agreed to provide aid to rebuild Cardassian cities and military protection in the event of an invasion of Cardassian space.
In response to the landmark agreement, the Bajoran coalition dropped its request to prosecute Cardassians for war crimes. Many among the Bajorans and Cardassians hoped that relations between their worlds would someday be normalized.
On behalf of the Founders, Odo met with Lamat'Ukan, First of the Jem'Hadar in the Alpha Quadrant. Odo asked the Jem'Hadar to return to the Gamma Quadrant with him, but Lamat'Ukan rejected Odo as a false god.
"You wear the shape of our gods, but you do not have their spirit," Lamat'Ukan is reported to have said. "You are corrupted by your ... taste for the life of a solid. To follow you would be to sacrifice our souls. There would be no victory under your banner. Without victory, there is no life." |