Pickerings Lifts director standing for parliament

Apr 23rd, 2024 | WRITTEN BY: Dave Allan

Local businessman Kiran Fothergill has vowed to lead a high street renaissance as Conservative prospective parliamentary candidate for Middlesbrough and Thornaby East.

Mr  Fothergill unveiled his bold agenda to revive local high streets and remove controversial cycle lanes on Linthorpe Road.

Speaking at his launch event at the Dorman’s Club,  the local businessman was joined on stage by Sir Simon Clarke MP and former cabinet minister Robert Jenrick MP, along with more than 80 party activists.

His rallying message was “We must do better for Middlesbrough.”

He said: “The heart of our community lies in our high streets, and they deserve to thrive once again. I promise to bring energy and investment back to our town centres, ensuring they become bustling hubs of activity that benefit residents and businesses alike.”

As a director at Stockton-based Pickerings Lifts, Kiran is the sixth generation of his family to lead the business, which employs more than 600 people in Teesside and across the UK and wants to use his experience to bring life back to the high street.

The campaign launch also addressed concerns over transportation infrastructure, particularly the controversial cycle lanes on Linthorpe Road. He promised decisive action to remove the lanes, citing their negative impact on local businesses and transportation efficiency.

He said “The Linthorpe Road cycle lanes have proven to be a hindrance rather than an asset. I am committed to listening to the concerns of residents and businesses and will work to remove these barriers to progress.”

Speaking to activists at the launch, he said: “In recent years we’ve seen Conservative-led investment across Teesside, with fantastic local Conservative MPs who shout for our area on the national stage. The airport and the freeport are the tangible results of that investment and work.”

Criticising the record of standing Labour MP Andy McDonald, he added: “It’s time for a new direction, one that prioritises the needs of our town over party politics.

“As your Conservative candidate, I am committed to bringing fresh leadership and real solutions to the table, revitalising our high streets and ensuring your voice is heard in Westminster.”

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