I'm trying to reproduce a 3D design of a chip using TikZ in LaTeX. The design I'm aiming for resembles a multi-layered chip concept, similar to the image below (showing different components stacked on top of each other). I need this in a 3D view, keeping the original look as much as possible. I've attempted several approaches using TikZ, but the results either fall short in terms of 3D realism or produce errors like:

 Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tikz/3d view', to which you passed '{120}{30}', and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it.

\usepackage[lmargin=1.3in, rmargin=1in, tmargin=1in, bmargin=1in]{geometry}


        % Simplified 3D Model for the chip
        \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, line join=bevel]
            % Chip base
            \fill[gray!20] (0,0) -- (4,0) -- (4,2) -- (0,2) -- cycle;
            \draw[thick] (0,0) -- (4,0) -- (4,2) -- (0,2) -- cycle;

            % Main component (large blue block on red base)
            \fill[blue!70] (0.5,0.5) -- (2.5,0.5) -- (2.5,1.5) -- (0.5,1.5) -- cycle;
            \draw[thick] (0.5,0.5) -- (2.5,0.5) -- (2.5,1.5) -- (0.5,1.5) -- cycle;
            \fill[red!50] (0.5,0.5) -- (2.5,0.5) -- (2.5,0.3) -- (0.5,0.3) -- cycle;
            \draw[thick] (0.5,0.5) -- (2.5,0.5) -- (2.5,0.3) -- (0.5,0.3) -- cycle;

            % Additional small component
            \fill[cyan!60] (3,0.5) -- (3.5,0.5) -- (3.5,1) -- (3,1) -- cycle;
            \draw[thick] (3,0.5) -- (3.5,0.5) -- (3.5,1) -- (3,1) -- cycle;
            \fill[purple!60] (3,0.5) -- (3.5,0.5) -- (3.5,0.3) -- (3,0.3) -- cycle;
            \draw[thick] (3,0.5) -- (3.5,0.5) -- (3.5,0.3) -- (3,0.3) -- cycle;

            % Bottom connectors
            \fill[red!80] (1,1.8) -- (2,1.8) -- (2,2) -- (1,2) -- cycle;
            \fill[red!80] (2.5,1.8) -- (3.5,1.8) -- (3.5,2) -- (2.5,2) -- cycle;
            \draw[thick] (1,1.8) -- (2,1.8) -- (2,2) -- (1,2) -- cycle;
            \draw[thick] (2.5,1.8) -- (3.5,1.8) -- (3.5,2) -- (2.5,2) -- cycle;
        \subcaption{a) Simplified 3D chip design}


While this produces a rough 2D isometric view, it does not capture the true 3D aspect I'm looking for, nor does it provide an accurate representation of the original image.

What I need:

A more detailed and accurate 3D representation.
Components clearly stacked as in the original image, showing the chip layers and other elements.

[![enter image description here][1]][1][![enter image description here][2]][2]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/LhHq0rpd.png
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/rRbosDkZ.png