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Variant Deathwatch badge worn in the Era Indomitus.

Mortguard is a watch fortress of the Deathwatch Chapter that is located in the northern Ultima Segmentum in the Imperium Nihilus. Its Watch Companies are commanded by Watch Master Agathon.

The Deathwatch forces of Morthguard were major participants in the Chalnath Expanse Campaign that was a four-sided conflict that erupted in the Chalnath Expanse in the Era Indomitus between the forces of the Imperium, the T'au Empire's Fifth Sphere Expansion, various Genestealer Cults and an Ork WAAAGH!.

Notable Personnel[]

  • Watch Captain Seraphus - Seraphus was the Mortguard watch captain who oversaw the interrogation of a Human pirate who had allowed himself to be bribed by the T'au Empire on the Mountain World of Cestis in the Chalnath Expanse to allow their establishment of a research station hidden there from the Imperial authorities. Seraphus knew from his Ordo Xenos data-inloads that these sites were the T'au's common means of eventual invasion. Either built piecemeal inside such stations by a veritable army of the aliens' robotic drones, or snuck in under a stealth field projected by its domed surface, these structures could amass huge military presences under a charade of "scientific research." Seraphus discovery resulted in the deployment of Deathwatch forces from Mortguard to Cestis, which soon resulted in an ongoing, grinding conflict across the surface of that mountainous world.
  • Watch Lieutenant Alvor - Alvor was a watch lieutenant of one of Mortguard's Watch Companies. During the Chalnath Expanse Campaign, the Deathwatch of Mortguard learned that the entire Arrajian System in the expanse was on a war footing. The trade guilds were pouring funds into raising Astra Militarum defence regiments as well as private paramilitaries, from the glacial algae seas on Arrajian II to the mag-trawlers skimming the atmosphere of the gas giant Arrajian IX. Everything pointed to preparation for a system-wide conflict, a laudable precaution given T'au aggression against other systems of the expanse. With a precise teleport strike, a single Proteus Kill-team led by Watch Lieutenant Alvor of Mortguard manifested in the servo-ducts beneath the guildhouse on Arrajian IV. Their aim was to uncover the true reason for the missing assets reported by the elderly Inquisitor Jazad D'ontor in the system. Within solar minutes of their arrival, the kill-team came under attack from "work gangs" of Genestealer hybrids and degenerate Aberrants. Kill-team Alvor pushed through one duct after another, seeking some source to the infection. For two solar days, the kill-team fought higher into the guildhouse's foundation, losing more and more of their number. All the while their signals back to orbit were blocked by psychosqualls of xenos static. By the third solar day, the kill-team had slain dozens of xenos-corrupted guilders, but only Brother Tyvus survived to pull himself to the surface and activate his teleport homer, taking into orbit a tale of widespread alien infection and twisted experimentation. Within solar months the system had fallen to the Genestealer Cult, but Mortguard now knew the truth and would return.


  • Codex Adeptus Astartes - Deathwatch (7th Edition), "Watch Fortresses of the Imperium"
  • Codex Supplement: Deathwatch (9th Edition), pp. 18-19