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Warhammer 40k Wiki

The Nova Legion was a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter of unknown Founding and a Successor Chapter of the Ultramarines. Its Chapter planet was the world of Scintil-Novax. The Nova Legion had been tasked alongside their fellow Ultramarines Successor Chapters the Crimson Consuls, Vindicators, and the Marines Mordant with guarding the rimward frontiers of the Maelstrom Zone. However, in the late 41st Millennium, all four Chapters were destroyed in sudden systematic attacks on their Chapter homeworlds, through the machinations and using the forces of the Alpha Legion Chaos Lord Quetzel Carthach.

Notable Nova Legionaries[]

  • Autolicon Phex - Autolicon Phex was a Devastator Marine of the Nova Legion and the Chapter's only known survivor. Phex was in a penitoria-cell in the Nova Legion's fortress-monastery for a prior infraction when Arch-Lord Carthach's forces attacked his homeworld of Scintil-Novax. Phex could thus do nothing to come to his brethren's aid. When the Devastator was later found by the Arch-Lord's forces he was given over to Carthach, who brutally tortured Phex and cut out his tongue.

Chapter Appearance[]

Chapter Colours[]

The Nova Legion's Chapter colours are not listed in current Imperial records.

Chapter Badge[]

The Nova Legion's Chapter badge is not listed in current Imperial records.


  • Legion of the Damned (Novel) by Rob Sanders, pp. 26, 97
  • Sons of the Hydra (Novel) by Rob Sanders, "γ Turning Tail", "The Viper's Next"