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Warhammer 40k Wiki

"Heresy! Abomination! Advance, Three Company, and take that vehicle! 'Honour the battle-gear of the dead,' it is written! Avenge this insult!"

ā€”Brother-Captain Fragman, upon seeing a Land Raider defiled by Harlequins

The Star Leopards is a Codex Astartes-compliant, Loyalist Space Marine Chapter of unknown Founding and origin. Almost nothing is known about this Chapter in Imperial records.

Notable Star Leopards[]

Land Raider Harlequin 1st Edition2

A captured Imperial Land Raider redecorated by the Eldar Harlequin. The Star Leopards did not find it amusing.

  • Captain Fragman - Fragman is the Captain of the Star Leopards' 3rd Company. His most notable engagement occurred against a troupe of Eldar Harlequins, who had the audacity to take a former Imperial Land Raider, and desecrate it by painting over its Codex Astartes-standard camouflage with a garish array of stripes, dots and multicoloured lozenges, and festooned gaily coloured bunting from every point, as well as displaying a huge banner of their Masque on it. Taking to heart the Space Marine mantra of, "Honour the battle-gear of the dead", Fragman ordered his company to break into a charge and destroy the vehicle for this insult, even if it meant losing the wider battle.

Chapter Appearance[]

Chapter Colours[]

The Star Leopards' Chapter colours are not listed in current Imperial records.

Chapter Badge[]

The Star Leopards' Chapter badge is not listed in current Imperial records.


  • White Dwarf 105, "Chapter Approved: Land Raider," pg. 4
  • White Dwarf 106, "Harlequins Army List," pg. 18