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Warhammer 40k Wiki

Variant Deathwatch badge worn in the Era Indomitus.

Vaedrian Shenol is a watch master of the Deathwatch Chapter who serves as the watch commander of Watcher Keep, a watch fortress that lies on the border between the Segmentum Pacificus and Segmentum Tempestus.

In the wake of the Great Rift's creation in the Era Indomitus, Shenol has seen an increase in the number of xenophiles within the Imperium. These are Humans who feel that since xenos are also threatened by the forces of Chaos, the Imperium should fight alongside them against their shared foe.

The watch master considers these people to be Heretics who would foolishly have Humanity put its trust in inhuman monsters that would gladly betray Mankind at the first chance. Shenol has declared that there can be no tolerance, no compromise, and no peace with aliens -- only war and the Imperium's endless purgation of the xenos threat.


  • Codex Adeptus Astartes - Deathwatch (8th Edition), pg. 6