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The Venerators was a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter of unknown Founding and origin. Almost nothing is known about this Chapter in Imperial records. During the 5th Black Crusade in 723.M36, Abaddon the Despoiler scoured the Elysia Sector, raiding hundreds of Imperial worlds and causing untold death and destruction.

On Tarinth, the Despoiler lured the Warhawks and Venerators Chapters into the ruins of Kasyr Lutein where he trapped them between the daemonic hordes of Khorne and the forces of the Black Legion. In a bitter last stand, both Loyalist Chapters were utterly destroyed, their skulls taken by the ancient Daemon Prince Doombreed, whose existence preceded that of the Imperium itself, to be mounted upon the mighty Skull Throne of the Blood God.

Chapter History[]

Notable Campaigns[]

  • 5th Black Crusade (723.M36) - The 5th Black Crusade included among its many atrocities the scouring of the Elysia Sector, culminating in the destruction of the ancient Imperial city of Kasyr Lutien. Abaddon the Despoiler purposefully fomented invasions on a dozen worlds within the sector, entrusting the destruction of cities, shrines and temples to his warlords while using his fleet to keep the Imperial Navy engaged in deep void skirmishes. It was Abaddon's intention to create a sector-wide conflict that would provoke a massive response from the Imperium and draw in Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes. His plans set in motion, Abaddon led the bulk of his Black Legion to the city of Kasyr Lutien on the world of Tarinth, burning the great city to the ground and enslaving its people. When the Warhawks and Venerators Space Marines arrived on Tarinth in Chapter strength, they made an immediate assault upon Kasyr Lutien. At the same moment, Abaddon ordered the mass sacrifice of ten million citizens. Their blood funnelled via the city's great canals into a vast lake of gore. Above the lake, the Warp opened up and Doombreed, greatest of all Khorne's Daemon Princes, stepped into reality and howled in triumph. Abaddon had made a dark pact with Doombreed, promising it the skulls of an entire Chapter of Space Marines in return for its service. With thousands of Bloodletters pouring forth from the lake of blood, Doombreed waded into the ranks of the Warhawks and Venerators. The Black Legion then sprang their own trap, and from prepared positions across the city, they opened fire on the Loyalists, blocking their retreat. Though they fought without fear or respite, both Chapters fell that day, their warriors mutilated by the daemonic host and their gene-seed forever lost to the Imperium.

Chapter Appearance[]

Chapter Colours[]

The Venerators' Chapter colours are not listed in current Imperial records.

Chapter Badge[]

The Venerators' Chapter badge is not listed in current Imperial records.


  • Black Legion - A Codex Chaos Space Marines Supplement (Digital Edition), pp. 34, 76
  • Chapter Approved 2001 - Second Book of the Astronomican, pg. 117
  • Liber Chaotica: Khorne