
Schema App Structured Data

Get structured data for all pages, posts, categories and profile pages on activation. Use Schema App to customize any Schema Markup.
עודכן לאחרונה
October 2, 2024
התקנות פעילות
Schema App Structured Data

What does the Schema App Structured Data WordPress Plugin Do?

The Schema App Structured Data WordPress Plugin automatically creates and deploys the default Markup for your pages, posts, author, and other types of content on your WordPress site. By adding Schema Markup to your WordPress site, your pages will be eligible for rich results – allowing your site to stand out in search and get more clicks and conversions.

The plugin leverages the existing content on your site to automatically create and deploy the appropriate type of Schema Markup to your pages. Simply activate the plugin, add your business name and logo, and you’re done.

What type of default Schema Markup is automatically created with the Schema App WordPress Plugin?

  • Page:
  • Post:
  • Search:
  • Author:
  • Category:
  • Tag:
  • Blog:
  • BreadcrumbList:
  • WebSite:

The plugin also automatically adds Video Schema Markup for all YouTube Videos embedded on your page.

You can customize your Page and Post Schema Markup through the default settings (e.g. posts can default to NewsArticle) or by directly editing the generated JSON-LD for each page.

End-to-End Schema Markup Solution for Enterprise Marketing Teams

Need more than just default Schema Markup for your WordPress site? We can help.

At Schema App, we offer an end-to-end custom Schema Markup solution for WordPress users. Our End-to-End Schema Markup Solution includes:

  • Access to Schema App Editor to generate custom Schema Markup for any page on your website
  • Access to the Schema App Highlighter to generate accurate, advanced Schema Markup at scale and deploy JSON-LD to your WordPress site
  • An assigned Customer Success Manager to help you manage your entire Schema Markup process, from strategy to results
  • Development of a reusable content knowledge graph that gives you insights into your content strategy and supports AI-driven search

With our solution, you can generate custom Schema Markup to describe your website content in detail and develop a reusable content knowledge graph that drives quality traffic to your site.

Contact us to learn how we can help you implement accurate, robust Schema Markup at scale across your WordPress site.

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