Posledné recenzie (159)
Traja amigos (1986)
"Do you have anything besides Mexican food?"
Na vine sú hviezdy (2014)
"Who's ready for some answers?" – "Meee!"
Togo (2019)
"What does he bring to the breed if he survives?" – "The heart of a survivor."
Posledný denníček (1)
The Sparrow
Once Upon a time there was a sparrow that was very ill, didn't have the strength to go south. "Go without me", he told his children. "I'll find shelter from the cold and I'll see you in spring". The bird went to an oak tree and asked if he could take shelter in his leaves. But the oak was the cold and arrogant tree... he refused. The peach, the aspen, the willow, the elm, they all said no. Then the first snows came. The sparrow took a last chance with the pine tree, who said: "I can't offer you much protection, I only have needles that let in draft, but my answer is... Yes". Overjoyed, the sparrow took refuge there and he survived the winter. The children returned and wept tears of joy. Upon seeing this, the Creator decided to punish all the other trees for their selfishness. From that day on, every tree lost it's leaves in winter, except the pine, who saved the sparrow.
Z filmu The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet