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There is a new “Development settings” page at /admin/config/development/settings that contains Twig development settings, as well as the ability to disable various caches.

The settings are stored within the state table (as opposed to configuration), so the settings cannot be accidentally committed and uploaded to production environments.

The settings available are

  • Twig development mode - This checkbox exposes two Twig development checkboxes and checks them by default.

    • Twig debug mode - This enables Twig debug, which provides the dump() function, outputs template suggestions to HTML comments, and will also enables Twig auto-reload, which tells Twig to reload any templates that have been modified by the developer.
    • Disable Twig cache - This completely disables the Twig cache.
  • Do not cache markup - This disables the render cache, dynamic page cache, and page cache.

Screenshot of development settings form showing all of the checkboxes enabled.


See the Disable Twig caching documentation page, for example on how to enable Twig debugging via Drush.

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