ESRB Retail Council ERC help parents make video game choices

ESRB Retail Council

ESRB Retail Council members committed to helping consumers make informed choices on video games

ESRB Retail Council (ERC) members are committed to helping parents and other consumers make informed choices about which video games are appropriate for their children and family.

As an ERC member, participating retailers voluntarily commit to use their best efforts to comply with the Ratings Education and Enforcement Code, which includes:

  • Participate in two mystery shopper audits each year measuring enforcement of voluntary store policies not to sell M (Mature) rated video games to customers under the age of 17 (or the age of 18 for Adults Only-rated games) without permission from a parent or guardian;
  • Display signage in stores describing the ESRB rating system and the retailer’s policy regarding the sale of M- and AO-rated games;
  • Participate in two online audits each year measuring accurate ESRB ratings on member websites;
  • Resolve complaints from customers regarding non-compliance with store policy regarding the sale of M- and AO-rated games;
  • Inform store associates about the ESRB ratings and game sales procedures/policies;
  • Share best practices with other ERC members.