Hardcore Never Dies

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Michael träumt von einer Zukunft als Pianist, aber seine Musikausbildung verläuft nicht gut. Auf der Suche nach Inspiration führt ihn sein Bruder Danny in die Rotterdamer Gabber-Szene ein. Dannys Drogengeschäft erreicht internationale Ausmaße und die Brüder müssen um ihr Leben kämpfen. (Kinostar)

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Englisch A dutch gangster drama set in 1990s in Rotterdam with drug dealers. I like these European gangster movies set in housing estates, where the outskirts of society usually play a role. Although rarely bringing something new to the genre, they never get boring and naturally entertain. Hardcore Never Dies is about two brothers, one wanting to be a pianist and the other a deceitful drug dealer. The latter drags the former unexpectedly into his side and together they start a drug business. Personally, I find the skinhead characters quite unlikeable, they are visually typical stereotypes and don't behave fairly. But I can't fault the film for that, as it strives to be authentic. I was hoping for a bit more explicit violence and sex, as is typical for these movies, but there isn't much action here either. The finale is quite suspenseful, but it cuts off at the best part, as if they didn't know how to end the film. It's a shame, because with a more climactic ending and a proper reckoning, the film might have earned four stars. As it is, it's a better than average film. If you enjoy similar movies, you won't be disappointed. 6/10. ()

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