As a sorority initiation, two girls have to pose as hookers. Then they turn into zombies and start killing and eating the locals. (Verleiher-Text)
Drew Godderis
Beste Filme:
Blood Diner (1987)
Deep Space (1988)
Evil Spawn (1987)
Katina Garner
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Wacko (1982)
Halloween Night: Satan lebt! (1988)
Das Geheimnis des Grabmals am Nil (1986)
Marya Gant
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Gefangene im Weltraum (1986)
Halloween Night (2006)
Matt Borlenghi
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Eat with Me (2014)
Alpha Dog: Tödliche Freundschaften (2006)
Nightmare on Elm Street 5 - Das Trauma (1989)