Pascal ChaumeilKamera:
Glynn SpeeckaertMusik:
Klaus BadeltBesetzung:
Diane Kruger, Dany Boon, Alice Pol, Robert Plagnol, Jonathan Cohen, Etienne Chicot, Damien Bonnard, Laure Calamy, Allan Bryan Weku, Nancy Tate (mehr)Streaming (5)
Erst die zweite Ehe brachte jeweils das ewige Glück. Das will Isabel auch endlich mit Pierre, ihrem Liebsten, finden. Und um den Fluch zu umgehen, schmiedet sie einen perfekten Plan: finde irgendeinen Dummen, verführe ihn, heirate ihn und lass dich sofort wieder scheiden, um dann den Mann deiner Träume zu ehelichen. Klingt einfach, wenn das zufällige Opfer nicht der ziemlich vertrottelte Jean-Yves Berthier wäre, Redakteur eines bekannten Reiseführers, dem sie von den Massai am Kilimandscharo bis nach Moskau folgen muss, um zum Ziel zu kommen. (Constantin Film AT)
(mehr)Kritiken (4)
Die Verbindung von Diane Kruger und Danny Boon hat mich bereits auf dem Plakat überrascht, doch es hat mich umso mehr gefreut, wie toll sie die originelle komödienhafte Stimmung gemeistert haben. Danny Boon hat seinen Ruf als hervorragender Komiker sehr gut bestätigt, und Diane hat ihr Französisch aufgemotzt. Eine angenehme Unterhaltung zum Ausspannen - die beste Szene ist die beim Zahnarzt. ()
An unbelievably pleasant comedy with the out-of-this-world beautiful Diane Kruger and the incredibly chill Dany Boone, who are really enjoying the hell out of this movie. And the viewer gets to enjoy the movie as well. The best thing about this comedy is that it’s good when Diane is trying to seduce Dany, as well as when Dany finds out what a mess Diane is, and he still decides to give her a nice day. That romantic part was so beautiful that I had to watch it a couple of times in a row. I really like movies like this one. ()
Chaumeil can’t help himself and again serves us up a narrative, adventure romance movie that looks like it’s cut out of a travel agency catalog. And so the getting to know you phase can take place under a scorching sun among the Masai on the slopes of Kilimanjaro and then courting above a snowy Moscow in a zero gravity plane. Last time, Chaumeil wrapped this in an unusual theme involving a divorce agency, this time it’s a family curse “when for generations marriages on the female side of the family don’t work first time round, but only second time round". You can tell from that, that this time it’s more in the spirit of a crazy comedy. The movie has just two problems, both of which are fundamental. It’s too long and the central couple are the embodiment of everything unpleasant. She doesn’t know what she wants, behaves like a bull in a china shop and is an insensitive cow; he is a bit dumb with the behavior of a redneck. And Chaumeil should kiss Diane and Danny’s feet for managing to sell their characters, despite their unpleasantness, so well that you end up you wish them happiness together anyhow. ()
Great romantic comedy. It has an interesting story focusing on Diane Kruger, who has been happily in a relationship for ten years. However, according to family tradition, she knows that the real happy marriage is the second one, so out of superstition, she decides to marry a random man to prevent the "curse" and chooses Dany Boon, on whom her flirting tactics don't work at all. It’s nice, enjoyable, with a fast pace, a beautiful Diane, a good setting (Kenya), and effective humor. 8/10. ()
Galerie (33)
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