Олег ФилипенкоDrehbuch:
Vadim VyatkinKamera:
Svyatoslav BulakovskiyMusik:
Aleksandr SoshalskiyBesetzung:
Ольга Красько, Diana Rudychenko, Sergey Romanyuk, Нина Антонова, Aleksey Tritenko, Alla Sergiyko, Olesya Vlasova, Vitalina Bibliv, Grigoriy Bokovenko (mehr)Inhalte(1)
Many myths, stories and traditions are associated with the lime tree, going back to the Middle Ages, Celtic times and as far back as Ancient Greece. In Russia, the story goes, that on discovering his lover's infidelity, landowner Pavel Kazantsev was so heartbroken that he could not forgive Anastasia's disloyalty and buried her alive. He planted a lime tree to mark the spot where she lay, and years later villagers still go to the tree to ask Anastasia for help, particularly in affairs of the heart. Marina is the wife of a successful businessman also coincidentally called Pavel Kazantsev. One day, after a family quarrel, Pavel takes Marina to their country house where she discovers that Oleg has a lover – Anastasia. Marina soon learns about the legend of Anastasia's tree from the local villagers. The coincidence with names is disturbing, but a worse discovery is still to come... (Star Media)
Ольга Красько
Beste Filme:
Četnické humoresky (2001) (Serie)
Šerlok Cholms (2013) (Serie)
Papa (2004)
Diana Rudychenko
Beste Filme:
Die schlafende Schöne (2010) (Fernsehfilm)
Mortem (2010)
Sergey Romanyuk
Beste Filme:
Paper Soldier (2008)
Vtoroj front (2005)
Нина Антонова
Beste Filme:
Leanders letzte Reise (2017)
Morfij (2008)
Raspad (1990)
Aleksey Tritenko
Beste Filme:
Ya pratsyuyu na tsvyntari (2021)
Golem - Wiedergeburt (2018)
Alla Sergiyko
Beste Filme:
Red Sniper - Die Todesschützin (2015)
Der Paradschanow-Skandal (2013)
Olesya Vlasova
Vitalina Bibliv
Beste Filme:
Match (2012)
Motylki (2013) (Serie)
Ballada o bombere (2011)
Grigoriy Bokovenko
Beste Filme:
Papa (2004)
Pavel Trubiner
Beste Filme:
Alexander der Kreuzritter (2008)
Paragraph 78 - Das Spiel des Todes! (2007)
Krym (2017)
Igor Mirkurbanov
Beste Filme:
Generation P (2011)
Aleksey Fedotov
Beste Filme:
Zoluška (2012)
Georgiy Povolotskiy
Beste Filme:
Sommer 1943 - Das Ende der Unschuld (2016)
Paper Soldier (2008)
Džungli (2012)
Aleksey Zakharov
Beste Filme: