

Light Yagami führt ein unscheinbares Studentenleben. Er hat keine großen Ansprüche und gibt sich mit dem zufrieden, was er hat. Als der junge Mann allerdings plötzlich ein mysteriöses Notizbuch mit dem Titel "Death Note" findet, ändert sich alles von Grund auf. Denn die Person, deren Name in das Buch geschrieben wird, stirbt. Nun ist es an Light, über Leben und Tod zu entscheiden. (ProSieben FUN)


Kritiken (1)


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Englisch The beginning was a bit of a mouthful, but since I wasn’t a fanatical fan of the prequel, I didn't mind certain changes at all; on the contrary, I thought it was nice that it didn't repeat what has been said a thousand times, I'm happy with the result. At the beginning I thought Kubota was better, but then Yamazaki just got who this L was and started to outplay Kubota, and I enjoyed his L quite a lot. I'd say I probably even liked him better than the Matsuyama Ken'ichi one. Despite the weaker start, the finish was more of a pleasant surprise as it was packed with emotion. It certainly doesn't do its subject matter any disgrace. ()

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