Creator has no biography yet
Movies | |
1984 |
A kör négyszögesítése (TV movie) - theater play |
Pension Butterpilz - Das Freizeitparadies (TV movie) - theater play |
1971 |
Khutorok v stepi |
1968 |
Die entführte Braut (TV movie) |
1967 |
Päivä lepokodissa (TV movie) |
Slunečnice (TV movie) - theater play |
1965 |
Time, Forward! |
1956 |
Bezumnyy den - theater play |
For the Power of the Soviets |
The Poet |
1948 |
Stranitsy zhizni |
1946 |
Son of the Regiment |
1937 |
Beleet parus odinokiy |
1936 |
Call to Arms |
The Circus |
Theatrical recording | |
1975 |
Deň oddychu - theater play |
Short | |
1950 |
The Pipe and the Pitcher |
1948 |
Tsvetik-semitsvetik |
Movies | |
1989 |
Otche nash - short story |
1981 |
Son of the Regiment - book |
1967 |
Valentin Katajews chirurgische Eingriffe in das Seelenleben des Dr. Igor Igorowitsch - book |
1965 |
Time, Forward! - book |
1956 |
For the Power of the Soviets - book |
1946 |
Son of the Regiment - book |
1939 |
Shel Soldat s fronta - book |
1937 |
Beleet parus odinokiy - book |
1931 |
Der brave Sünder - book |
Series | |
1998 |
Stories from My Childhood - short story |
Theatrical recording | |
1954 |
Defraudanten - book |