
The powerful tycoon Auric Goldfinger has initiated "Operation Grand Slam," a cataclysmic scheme to raid Fort Knox and obliterate the world economy. James Bond (Agent 007), armed with his specially equipped Aston Martin (its accessory package includes built-in machine guns, a smoke screen and an ejector seat), must stop the plan by overcoming several outrageous adversaries. First, Bond must contend with Oddjob, the mute servant who kills at the toss of a lethal hat. Next, he has a daring romp with the beautiful Jill Masterson, Goldfinger's trusted card advisor, who gives new meaning to the phrase "golden girl." Finally, Bond becomes entangled with the sexy pilot Pussy Galore, whose romantic feelings for him complicate her involvement in Goldfinger's high-flying scheme. (official distributor synopsis)


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English Not surprisingly, many people think of Goldfinger when they hear the word "Bond" (although they may not even know it). It's not Connery's best contribution to the franchise, but it certainly is flawless. You want humor? It's here. You want suspense, you want action scenes? Espionage? You get them. All of this presented in a literal golden coat with one of the best villains having one of the most interesting (and simplest) plans of all. John Barry (as usual) excels again and the music is like clockwork. And I haven’t even mentioned Pussy Galore, one of my favorite Bond girls. Best scenes: The opening brawl, Bond's "tuning in" to Goldfinger's waves, the whole Geneva part and of course the finale at Fort Knox. ()


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English James Bond competes with Václav Kopta, who is 20 cm and 50 kg heavier, for most of the footage rather in the form of psychological warfare than in the form of breathtaking action. The best scenes for me are the cards and golf and what follows after them. The Korean mute servant with a murderous hat was flawless. ()



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English Three times is enough. I revived the slogan of uncompromising morality followers who, after the 3rd crime, are willing to send pickpockets to life imprisonment, and applied it to a series of classic Bond films. I told myself that if any old Bond title has a chance of success with me, it will be Goldfinger, which features a truly charismatic villain and is based on a book that I read as a teenager, so I should feel at least some nostalgia for it. However, I definitively verified the fact that the phenomenon of Bond films only started to become at least partially interesting to me with GoldenEye. This is unattractive, and outdated, with a long-expired warranty, but surprisingly still has a great reputation. The power of the brand does a lot. Overall impression: 40%. ()


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English The third and, as far as the later development of the series is concerned, also the most important 007 movie adventure. All the aspects that come to mind under the term Bond movie were established right here by Guy Hamilton. Above all, the entire plot is presented with significant hyperbole and completely diverted from the books the movies were based on. And this is where he killed the whole series of movies for me. I found the more realistic style of From Russia with Love much more pleasing. What has to be praised is the brilliant opening song. Connery’s charisma and overall entertainment are both there. Just that after this movie Bond will never be the same again. For some just what they want, for me a huge disappointment. ()


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English 007__#3__For me the main draw is the casting of Goldfinger (the excellent Swiss Gert Frobe) and his henchman Oddjob, played by wrestler Harold Sakata – I'll never forget his killer bowler hat. The main villain, as one of the members of the criminal organization Spectre, which accompanied the Bond franchise from Dr. No to You Only Live Twice, does not want to take over the world, but thanks to an ingenious plan "only" to get as rich as possible, which makes the whole story more believable. Some of the scenes have aged, but otherwise I'm satisfied, though I don’t think this is the best Bond movie. ()

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