
Tom and Jerry return to the magical kingdom of Oz in this children's animated feature. When the evil Gnome King (voice of Jason Alexander) takes over Emerald City and wreaks havoc across the land Tom and Jerry embark upon a wild adventure with their friends Dorothy (Grey Griffin/Amy Pemberton), The Scarecrow (Michael Gough), The Tin Man (Rob Paulsen) and The Lion (Todd Stashwick) to restore peace to the kingdom. (Warner Bros. Home Entertainment)


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English I can't help but see nothing particularly magical about this film. It's just a continuation of the classic story with the same characters but with the addition of Tom and Jerry. This doesn't seem like a strong enough added value to me. Not to mention that I simply didn't have much fun and instead, I mostly endured it. The old Tom and Jerry were much better. Especially in the short episodes. ()

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