
  • France Contre ton cœur


In Portugal, a father, a mother and a daughter's daily lives are being subsumed by the effects of the economic crisis. This is a process which begins to influence their life together by degrees while their nicely furnished high-rise flat continues to tell a tale of different, bygone times. The unemployed father spends his days on the roof gazing at the horizon which no longer offers him a future. The mother returns home exhausted from working double shifts. Their adolescent daughter keeps her secrets to herself and wonders if there is enough money to pay her bus fare to school. Each time, the camera takes a step back – wide shots being preferred – in order to capture the mood. And yet what we are observing is not stasis but a tentative forward motion. The family members begin to shed their previous roles, their relationship to each other changes and unexpected possibilities start to reveal themselves. It may not be apparent to either father, mother or daughter but each of them has long since begun to take their lives in their own hands and to reshape them. (Berlinale)


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English A very difficult film, which tries very hard to be interesting, but with its length it creates a huge wall for the viewers to climb over. And that length is really just the beginning of everything wrong with this film... ()

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