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kaylinBlack Mass(2015) 

Johnny Depp is slowly ceasing to be an actor I would necessarily seek out. For example, I was almost looking forward to this movie more because Benedict Cumberbatch is in it. On the other hand, Depp took the opportunity… (more)

IsherwoodAmerican Gangster(2007) 

While most famous directors in this age are making films solely for their own entertainment, Ridley Scott comes up with a work of such incredible awareness and craft that it’s essentially unbelievable. Two and a half… (more)

novotenAmerican Gangster(2007) 

It's been a couple of months since the cinematic release and I still can't quite grasp the genius of this opus. Right after the premiere, I got carried away by the enthusiastic applause for the result, but over time,… (more)