Chiara BellosiDrehbuch:
Chiara BellosiKamera:
Maurizio CalvesiBesetzung:
Daphne Scoccia, Bianca Leonardi, Sara Short, Nicola Rignanese, Giovanni Anzaldo, Andrea Lattanzi, Roberto Sbaratto, Simone Moretto, Michele Franco (mehr)Inhalte(1)
Two girls wait in front of a closed courtroom door. There’s playful, headstrong Luce, who’s still little and insecure and there’s dismissive Domenica, who’s almost grown-up. Inside, their fathers are seated on opposite sides of the courtroom. The trial is complicated - was it manslaughter or murder? Out in the hallway, the daughters are unsure about what to do. Focussing all of her attention on this one spot, the director places supposed peripheral players centre stage, opening up a series of new and unusual perspectives. Secondary spaces and elements, such as corridors, stairwells and puddles – are explored for their potential . Moms and step-moms come and go. Sandwiches, pasta Napoli and a little sparrow tell their own stories, while a gesture of silent protest hangs stuck to the underside of a bench. (Berlinale)
Daphne Scoccia
Nicola Rignanese
Beste Filme:
Pietro Mennea: La freccia del Sud (2015) (Fernsehfilm)
La nostra terra (2014)
Der junge Montalbano (2012) (Serie)
Giovanni Anzaldo
Beste Filme:
Romanzo di una strage (2012)
Die süße Gier - Il Capitale Umano (2013)
Paura d'amare (2010) (Serie)
Andrea Lattanzi
Beste Filme:
Auf meiner Haut (2018)
La svolta (2021)
Roberto Sbaratto
Beste Filme:
Il gioiellino (2011)
Die Entführung der Achille Lauro (1990) (Fernsehfilm)
Die Einsamkeit der Primzahlen (2010)
Simone Moretto
Beste Filme:
Die Bergpolizei - Ganz nah am Himmel (2011) (Serie)
Michele Franco
Beste Filme:
Nicht meine Liga (2020)
Diego Benzoni
Beste Filme:
3/19 (2021)