Una casa en el fin del mundo

  • Estados Unidos A Home at the End of the World


La historia narra las experiencias de dos amigos de la infancia durante doce años. Entre ellos son muy diferentes, pero en un viaje en el que recorren Estados Unidos, se conocen en profundidad. A pesar de no parecerse, los dos terminaran fijándose en la misma mujer que les terminará por traer más de un quebradero de cabeza. (Manga Films S.L.)


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inglés A film that flows too leisurely, with hardly any plot or major twists, flattened in terms of story and especially emotions when compared to the book (thanks Lenička), which is quite surprising given that the screenplay was written by the author of the novel himself. But the actors are all excellent, from the kids to Farrell and especially Sissy Spacek (damn, why isn't such an excellent actress in more films?). ()

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