
2 Birds take place during one bright summer night and follows a group of young teenagers on a journey from innocence to adulthood. (Prague Short Film Festival)

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español 15 minutos más fuertes y hermosos que cualquier largometraje. Una película en la que los movimientos oculares son más importantes que los diálogos. En un entorno auténtico, la fragilidad y la inocencia de los niños chocan con el asco de la realidad gris, para el que la única cura es el amor puro. ()


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inglés As soon as I see that a movie was made in Iceland, there’s no hesitation on my part. You can also watch this short movie online, so why not. A bit of depression in the living room can’t be a bad thing. But this was rough. Awfully rough. But amidst all that rough reality, there was a small bit of hope and a good chunk of love, which proves that it can always get worse. And it truly can. ()



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inglés A powerful film about how adolescence sometimes isn't beautiful at all. Sometimes there's such a breaking point that it's not even pretty anymore. This film is quite harsh, even though it doesn't really show anything harsh. It's like a harsh hallucination where upon waking up, you realize you're no longer who you were, but what’s worse is that you actually like it. ()

Galería (1)