Ralph NelsonGuión:
Stirling SilliphantCámara:
Arthur J. OrnitzMúsica:
Ravi ShankarReparto:
Cliff Robertson, Claire Bloom, Lilia Skala, Leon Janney, Ruth White, Dick Van Patten, Barney Martin, Dan Morgan, Ralph NelsonSinopsis(1)
When a mentally retarded man named Charly (Robertson) undergoes experimental brain surgery, he is miraculously freed from the prison of his own mind. As his IQ soars to genius proportions, Charly's eyes are opened to a world he's never truly seen. But when the effects of his operation inexplicably begin to fade, Charly must find a way to halt his regression before his own mind destroys his life, his newfound romance and the man he's become. (texto oficial de la distribuidora)
(más)Reseñas (1)
In Charly's "first phase" Robertson pushes the envelope too hard, and in general it's shifted from the source material to that warmly human level so typical of films about the simpler intellects among us. But it's still a good film, just from a slightly different genre than Keyes's original work. ()
Galería (32)
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