
A principios de los años setenta, un hombre de cincuenta años, Chris (Clive Owen), acaba de ser liberado en la ciudad de Nueva York tras varios años en la cárcel por un delito relacionado con el mundo de las drogas. A las puertas del recinto está su hermano Frank (Billy Crudup), un policía que reniega de su hermano, pero que decide darle cobijo por su situación y ayudarle a encontrar trabajo, un hogar y a reconectar con sus hijos y su exmujer, Mónica (Marion Cotillard). Debut en la dirección del actor francés Guillaume Canet. (VerCine)


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todas reseñas del usuario

inglés We have content like this a hundred times, but the form! The dirty and bleak feeling of a sweaty gym corner is palpable at times, as in Million Dollar Baby, but it regularly changes into beautiful panoramas and excellent, period-coordinated exteriors/interiors, as in American Gangster, with the expression means being somewhere in between. Sufficiently tangible, raw, austere, and down-to-earth, while not too grainy, shaky, or distracting in any way. In terms of acting, it is very strong not only because of the names in the cast. Emotionally layered just right. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés The opening scene already won me over with its uncompromising roughness and swing. And when the brilliant Clive Owen appeared, who has perhaps never acted better (you can't tell from the photos, you have to see his perfect transformation into a silent criminal), the decision was made. Blood Ties is a great film with a slow-moving but certainly not boring or uninteresting story, great actors and a great atmosphere. ()



todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Sometimes, good actors meet up in a very, very mediocre movie. It’s not a rule, but that’s what makes the shock bigger. Who would have thought that a film featuring the amazing Mila Kunis and Marion Cottillard can be so horribly boring that it makes painting the fence look like pure ecstasy? ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés It's a bit too drawn-out as a crime drama, where it's not so much about the crime itself but the relationships between the characters. Clive Owen has taken the path of Bad Boys and he's doing well with it. I adore Marion Cotillard, but even she can't save it. Mila Kunis is the only pretty one here. For its length, the film is a bit unbearable, but at least the ending manages to captivate the audience somewhat. ()

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